Question on Hell.

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hello all. New here and new to Reformed theology. I have a quick question on Heaven and Hell. Does it say in scripture that they are two separate places? I don't argue the view that Heaven was a place of eternal bliss and Hell a place of eternal torment. But for whatever reason in my wild journey through Christianity, I always viewed God's 'wrath' as pretty much everyone being exposed to God's Light when Christ returns, and the saints rejoicing in God's unending Light and the unrepentant suffering in the same Light that burns like fire on their hardened hearts.

As I begin to journey further into the Reformed doctrine, I am trying to get in line so to speak with scripture. Cleansing myself of any belief that may be un-scriptural.

Thank you for your time!!
As Brother Al Martin once preached..."hell is a place and a condition of constant, endless, suffering, misery, torment and woe." Hell is a place. Heaven is a place. Matthew 5:29-30 seems to say the whole body will be thrown into Hell. 29 If your right eye lcauses you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into mhell. 30 And if your right hand lcauses you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.
Mark 9:48 says Hell is a place where the "worm dyeth not and the fire is not quenched." So Jesus claims it is a place of torment with fire and the fire doesn't stop. It is endless. Matthew 25 speaks of a place prepared in advance for the Devil and his angels and a place for goats, (unbelievers) and Matthew describes this place as a place of everlasting punishment.
Thanks for posting. The Bible definitely names Hell as a place.

I guess my view came from scriptures like Psalm 139:7-8

7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

God Himself can be an all encompassing fire. (Gen 19:24, Ex 3:2, 9:23, 13;21-22, 19:18, Num 11:1-3, 4:24, Ne 9:12, Ps 66:10, 104:4, Is 66:15) In the NT as well God speaks of bringing fire to test everyone (1 Cor 3:13, Luke 12:49, Mark 9:49, 2Peter 3:7).

Either way. Just trying to flesh out the characteristics of Hell with scripture.

Thanks again for your replies!
a fine scholar by the name of rob bell just put out a book on this. he'll answer all your questions. :p
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