Rapture Ready

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This was the classic definition of a train wreck. I wanted to stop watching. Really, I just couldn't pull away.
I never seen a greater display of Biblical ignorance in my life, not to mention the seedy politicians there to take advantage of it. It makes one sick at thier stomach.
That is the most frightening display of lemming mentality I have ever seen. If Darth Vader supported Israel these people would follow him. True ignorance on parade. "If you've seen Left Behind, then you know what's going to happen." Yikes!
Let us not forget to pray for the lost reporter and his crew. He doesn't care whether or not these people are ignorant in their understanding of the Bible. He just wants to tear apart and do his best to make Jesus Christ and all His followers look foolish to all men.

His awakening one day is going to be even more rude than most of the people he was reporting about. I dare say some of them are true believers, in spite of their poor and ignorant eschatology.
Let us not forget to pray for the lost reporter and his crew. He doesn't care whether or not these people are ignorant in their understanding of the Bible. He just wants to tear apart and do his best to make Jesus Christ and all His followers look foolish to all men.

His awakening one day is going to be even more rude than most of the people he was reporting about. I dare say some of them are true believers, in spite of their poor and ignorant eschatology.

Good point dear brother. It is kind of funny though that at a pro Israel rally the Jewish reporter is thrown out.
Let us not forget to pray for the lost reporter and his crew. He doesn't care whether or not these people are ignorant in their understanding of the Bible. He just wants to tear apart and do his best to make Jesus Christ and all His followers look foolish to all men.

His awakening one day is going to be even more rude than most of the people he was reporting about. I dare say some of them are true believers, in spite of their poor and ignorant eschatology.

Good point.
Man... Dispensational theology sure sounds cultic!

Crazy stuff! Only by the grace of God I don't believe that stuff anymore!
Every bit as sinister as the Jihadists and the mystics, basically these people are Pseudo-Christian Mystics with their own brand of jihad, not unlike the Ayrians, how ironic of the Jews and their unconditional supporters.
J. C. Ryle, "Beware of self-righteousness in every possible
shape and form. Some people get as much harm
from their 'virtues' as others do from their sins."

"There is none righteous, no, not one." Romans 3:10
At the risk of being "lemming-like" myself, aside from their overt dispensationalism, Hagee's Charismatic theology and their leaning on Left Behind for their eschatological understanding, is it merely the fact that they elevate Israel as a nation to an improper place with their slogan "Keep your eyes on the nation Israel for the signs of the end" that makes this so contemptible? Or is it that they wish our military to be the protector and ally of Israel?

Hagee is a nut-job in my opinion, anyway, but look at the thousands that gulp him down. Again, those are the ones with whom we rub shoulders and have to try and make real sense when speaking of such things.

A friend of ours just discovered that TD Jakes was a modalist and was oh-so-disappointed. But that specific doctrinal error has colored everything else he says that she would view as "solid" and she wouldn't know it.

This video exposes deep, deep problems within.
A friend of ours just discovered that TD Jakes was a modalist and was oh-so-disappointed. But that specific doctrinal error has colored everything else he says that she would view as "solid" and she wouldn't know it.
is there anything solid from T.D Jakes? I can literally predict what the guy would say next.
So, again, what is the thing most disturbing about this? We've said that it IS disturbing but in what ways specifically? In other words, if we were to confront someone who attended this ...affair...and gushed all over us of how wonderful it was, what could be said to them to get them to think? Well, OK, not THINK think, but you know un-:chained: themselves long enough to hear something.
So, again, what is the thing most disturbing about this? We've said that it IS disturbing but in what ways specifically? In other words, if we were to confront someone who attended this ...affair...and gushed all over us of how wonderful it was, what could be said to them to get them to think? Well, OK, not THINK think, but you know un-:chained: themselves long enough to hear something.

Good Question. The problem I see with dealing with Dispensational eschatology is that once you start a conversation with them, you end up all over the map trying to correct scriptures that they use to support the Dispensational system. It can be very draining almost like dealing Mormons.

Reasons why it's disturbing: The following quotes from some of the people interviewed

Tom Delay “We have to be connected to Israel to be connected to Christ”

People worshipping the Lord with Israeli and American Flags.

“You have to embrace Israel as part of the Second Coming”

“I am looking forward to Armageddon”

“When we disappear you better start to worry”

“If you haven’t seen the Left Behind series it’s scary”

When talking with Dispensationalists I would begin with the following.

Why do you believe in a pretribulational rapture?
(Be prepared for the programed response)

Ask: Have you ever considered that parts of the Book of Rev, have already taken place?

Why do put so much eschatological emphasis on Israel. Wouldn't you agree that eschatology should be Christ centered?

Ask them to read through 1&2 Thess, and distinguish between the Pre-Trib Rapture and the Second Coming of the Lord. (Also, remind them that they are not allowed to use any Tim Lahaye study guides)

The key is to be kind, gentle, and patient. As, frustrating as it may get, be patient with them. Also, be prepared for people to become hostile especially if they have not ever been confronted about what they believe.
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