Resources on the Spirit's Procession

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Puritan Board Freshman
I'm looking for some resources on the Spirit's procession, specifically what it means to "proceed" rather than be begotten. I'm not necessarily looking for information on the Filioque. I've read a lot of the well-known works, but am wondering if I'm missing something I should consult.

For example, I've covered Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil, Augustine, Calvin, van Mastricht, Turretin, Owen, Gill, Shedd, Bavinck. For modern theologians, I have Scott Swain, Fred Sanders, and Matthew Barrett, and maybe others.

The best defense of dual procession is Thomas Joseph White's major book on the Trinity. He is Roman Catholic, but the hard truth is that Catholics have more stuff on this topic than we do. Thomas Aquinas's Summa Contra Gentiles book IV deals with it in-depth.
Robert Letham deals with the subject as well. He looks to some of the later (reluctant) acknowledgments by EO theologians who recognize that the Son is part of the Spirit's procession, though in a more instrumental manner. That is, the Spirit proceeds from the Father by or through the Son.
I'm looking for some resources on the Spirit's procession, specifically what it means to "proceed" rather than be begotten. I'm not necessarily looking for information on the Filioque. I've read a lot of the well-known works, but am wondering if I'm missing something I should consult.

For example, I've covered Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil, Augustine, Calvin, van Mastricht, Turretin, Owen, Gill, Shedd, Bavinck. For modern theologians, I have Scott Swain, Fred Sanders, and Matthew Barrett, and maybe others.


Hugh Martin, "The Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Son" in Christ Victorious.

Herman Witsius, Sacred Dissertations on the Apostle's Creed (Dissertations 7 and 23)

Heinrich Heppe, Reformed Dogmatics, VI.30-33 (pp.130-132)
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Hugh Martin, "The Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Son" in Christ Victorious.

Herman Witsius, Sacred Dissertations on the Apostle's Creed (Dissertation 7 and 23)

Heinrich Heppe, Reformed Dogmatics, VI.30-33 (pp.130-132)
Thanks. Anyone know if the essay by Martin is free online somewhere? I can't find it. I, unfortunately, have not purchased Christ Victorious.
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van Mastricht:

Thanks. Anyone know if the essay by Martin is free online somewhere? I can't find it. I, unfortunately, have not purchased Christ Victorious.
It's from The British and Foreign Evangelical Review, 1869 (Vol. 18) if that helps to locate a digital copy.
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