I'm looking for some resources on the Spirit's procession, specifically what it means to "proceed" rather than be begotten. I'm not necessarily looking for information on the Filioque. I've read a lot of the well-known works, but am wondering if I'm missing something I should consult.
For example, I've covered Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil, Augustine, Calvin, van Mastricht, Turretin, Owen, Gill, Shedd, Bavinck. For modern theologians, I have Scott Swain, Fred Sanders, and Matthew Barrett, and maybe others.
For example, I've covered Gregory of Nazianzus, Basil, Augustine, Calvin, van Mastricht, Turretin, Owen, Gill, Shedd, Bavinck. For modern theologians, I have Scott Swain, Fred Sanders, and Matthew Barrett, and maybe others.