Romans, 4 Volumes By: Donald Grey Barnhouse

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As with anything of DGB, it is a mixture of Reformed thought and Dispensational thought. I remember his discussion in the beginning about how the Church in Rome got her beginnings. He thinks that the Spirit extraordinarily planted the Church since there was no Apostle who went there and planted. Strange.

But, I also respect DGB tremendously. He was really one of my earliest influences as a young Christian (well, his sermons and books.. he was dead).

I would say get it for reference, but read wisely. Also, get it CBD, they usually give it away pretty cheaply.

It's worth having. But it shouldn't be your primary commentary.

I have Barnhouse on Romans.

It is useful in it's own way. However, it must be read with discernment. As has been already noted, there are some dispensational ideas in there, but we would probably agree with about 80 % of his work.
I bought it years ago, before I knew better... :cool: But I'm still glad we have it. Dispensational? Yeah... But still valuable.

In my opinion it's not worth the money. Take the money you save by not buying Barnhouse and put it into the set by Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
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