Screen Capture Utility

Not open for further replies.'s free and works a treat. I use it all the time. When you've got a screen you want to capture, hit PrtSc, then open IrfanView, hit Ctrl+V, and Bob's your uncle.

Use the mouse to capture the bit you actually want, then go up to Edit and scroll down to Crop Selection. Then save in whatever format you want. It supports almost anything.

It's also the program I use to change a photo or graphic from one file format to another.

Great program! Everyone should have it. ;^)
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So it looks like I am a little behind the times.

Could somebody please give me a short, bullet-point list of what good uses a program like this has?

I can't think of too many, but I am not feeling very creative today, either.
So it looks like I am a little behind the times.

Could somebody please give me a short, bullet-point list of what good uses a program like this has?

I can't think of too many, but I am not feeling very creative today, either.

All I look for are these:

- Easy to learn
- Easy to use after I learn it
- Clear video (or adjustable quality)
- Options on sound input (mic or what is playing on the computer)

I don't worry about filetype output or compression quality; I can do all that with SUPER (noted above).
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant to ask "what do you do with a program like this?"

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant to ask "what do you do with a program like this?"


I can record what I am doing on my screen in the same way someone can use a video camera to record a birthday party. It's like taking a video camera and pointing it right at your monitor. I record video tutorials for people I work for; I can walk them through the program, adding commentary here and there. They can pause it, or watch it again as many times as they like. It makes teaching the same program repeatedly much, much easier.
Wel other than doing a Print Screen or ALT+Print Screen windows and then pasting into paint or some other application, I would recommend snag it, it isn't free but works very well.
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