so I'm looking over the new lay-out I read...pretending and hiding

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Puritan Board Doctor
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then right amongst all of those stats..I read..

Pretending and Hiding --Paul Trask

So I'm thinking..why is Paul trying to hide??

I shook my head and re-read it and I seen...I totally missed the first part of that line ---"latest blog entry"

Okay, so I'm not completely awake yet..and it's possible the below freezing temps here in Florida are affecting me in some adverse way this morning...but it was funny to me..
I saw that too and was somewhat taken aback that the board would expose anyone in such a fashion :). It's a good blog post and I was glad I noticed it; Mr. Trask has several others it was good to read as well (I usually never notice that section at all).

I think of writing one entitled 'hypocritically lurking and shirking household duties' :)
No, sadly it won't. I'll definitely have to quote you on that. I may need to write it on a 3 x 5 card and staple it to my tongue so that I can just have people read it whenever I'm looked to for words of wisdom.
a mere housewife;

I saw that too and was somewhat taken aback that the board would expose anyone in such a fashion :). It's a good blog post and I was glad I noticed it; Mr. Trask has several others it was good to read as well (I usually never notice that section at all).

I think of writing one entitled 'hypocritically lurking and shirking household duties' :)

I don't typically notice those things either, but like I said, I was checking out the new layout..

And yes, I read the blog as well, and I agree it was a good read..

and I've been known to do the same thing...lurk and shirk household tasks on occasion..

yes, confession is good for the soul..
Lurking and shurking??!!
Bobbi and Heidi, there is a thread looking for interpretations of Proverbs 31 woman. Either of you up to giving it a bash?
(She skulks off to wash her dishes):rolleyes:
Oh Ruby I wish I could wash dishes with you: we could have a fight with the soapy water.

(I'm sure that there's something about dishwater fights in Prov. 31)

]Lurking and shurking??!!
Bobbi and Heidi, there is a thread looking for interpretations of Proverbs 31 woman. Either of you up to giving it a bash?
(She skulks off to wash her dishes):rolleyes:

I've been training my children up in that area for a number of years..each week they switch off--

I've also trained them in vacuum cleaner usage, broom, dust pan and mop usage, washer/dryer usage...stove/oven usage and the use of pots and pans..I've even trained them to clean the tub, sink and toilet...the biggest area of struggle for them is keeping their bedrooms clean..

I'm even training my son up in these areas, as I do not know at what point God will bring a wife into his life, so when he leaves home and does not yet have a wife he will be able to do these things for himself...
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