Spiderman 3

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Puritan Board Doctor
Has anyone seen the new Spiderman movie yet?

I was thinking of taking the older kids this afternoon and was wondering if anyone had seen it yet.
Yeah I saw it yesterday, it's good as far as movies go. It is however dark for the majority of the movie, but it does have a lot of morality to it. i.e. choose good over evil etc. But that aside the special effects are great, and there is actually a storyline. So worth watching if you've got a couple of hours free.
I can't wait to see it. I was a SpiderMan geek in the early to mid-70's. Collected all the comic books. I'll be seeing this one soon.
I rented Spiderman 2 last night since I had yet to see it and needed to do so (so I can see 3 next week!). It was great! I've been very impressed by the first two and can't wait to see the third.
We'll all be going on mother's day (my husband, son, daughter, daughter-in-law and 2 grandsons).

My older grandson (just turned 6) has a "Peter Parker" persona as well as a "Spiderman" one. When I ask him where Luke is - he takes off these silly goggles he wears and says "here I am!" He distinguishes between the 3 people very smoothly - he's pretty darn funny.
I saw it at Midnight Friday and while I liked it, it was no where near as good as the first two, and there are several things in it that make no sense at all, and two scenes that are entirely too CORNY.

After you all see it I'll discuss them as I don't want to spoil it for you.

I rate the Spidy movies this way

Spidey 1- 8/10
Spidey 2- 9/10
Spidey 3- 7/10
I saw it at Midnight Friday and while I liked it, it was no where near as good as the first two, and there are several things in it that make no sense at all, and two scenes that are entirely too CORNY.

After you all see it I'll discuss them as I don't want to spoil it for you.

I rate the Spidy movies this way

Spidey 1- 8/10
Spidey 2- 9/10
Spidey 3- 7/10
I agree entirely. I saw the midnight showing as well, and I'm not sure it was worth staying up for.

What was with all the crying?

-My issues with #3

-Green Goblins bombs destroys Venom but only scars Harry?

-Who was this butler of Harry's and how does a few sentences from him turn Harry into a Good Goblin? Why did the butler clean the wounds of Harry's dead father? Is he also an Undertaker?

-Peter is evil so he does a Saturday Night Fever routine down the streets of NY, Gets an emo hair style, learns to play piano, and Jazz dance as well?

-The Sandman is simply "misunderstood" and "blows away" at the end of movie after Spidey "forgives" him?

Again, it wasn't horrible but they clearly didn't put the effort into this one as they did the first two. If this is the direction they are going they need to stop before it gets worse.
I saw Spiderman 3 last night. It was good, as far as these superhero movies go. I enjoyed the personal-drama more than the fight/action scenes. If you're a fan, or even just kinda *liked* the first two (as I did), then it's worth seeing on the big screen.
However, if you're hoping that Toby & Kirsten have actually learned how to act well in this one, you might be disappointed. There's still much to be desired in that department, In my humble opinion.
I think I liked it better than the first two. There are definitely corny and unnecessary scenes, but so many of the scenes were so enjoyable to me that I can forgive the rest.

My qualms:

Some extras give absolutely awful performances.

Venom wasn't in it for long enough.

The resolution between Spiderman and Sandman made no sense.

The way the symbiote attached itself to Peter didn't make any sense, because it only became a suit that he could take off. And if it latched onto him while he was wearing the suit, where did the other suit come from? And why could he take it off at first and then he had to rip it off when he wanted it gone? My only guess is that the symbiote knew that he wanted to get rid of it, so it fought to stay with him. But that still doesn't make sense, because it's a symbiote and needs a host to survive.

Emo Peter and his dance down the street was terrible.

I think those are all my complaints. But so many of the action scenes and a lot of the dramatic scenes I loved, so it makes up for it.
I saw it at Midnight Friday and while I liked it, it was no where near as good as the first two, and there are several things in it that make no sense at all, and two scenes that are entirely too CORNY.

After you all see it I'll discuss them as I don't want to spoil it for you.

I rate the Spidy movies this way

Spidey 1- 8/10
Spidey 2- 9/10
Spidey 3- 7/10
My thoughts exactly.

And they ruined Venom.

However, Bruce Campbell was awesome. I will love that man til the day I die.
I concur with all the points...but I did kinda like the "throwback" to the romances of the 40's and 50's at the very beginning - but LOTs of "homages" to different eras of moviemaking in this move - I think they may have been deliberately corny to lighten up the darkness of the movie?

BTW - I still LOVE Bruce Cambell - even as a smarmy French maitre'd!
I thought it was OK...

But they should have dumped the three villians they did have and brought in THE LIZARD !!!

Edit; yep, I loved Bruce Campbell's bit as well.
I ended up going to see it with the tree oldest kids on saturday and we had a good time. Not a great movie but kinda fun.

BTW I know that it was overdone but I thought that the forgivness/confession theme was a nice touch. Poorly done but a step in the right direction in my opinion.

One thing I do like about this series is the clarity that right/wrong revenge/justice are presented. These ideas are all too rare in many of the "kid" movies.
I agree with Adam....

Perfect ratings for all......Bottom line for me, they should of saved the whole Sandman story line for another day, and done more with Venom.....just toooo much going on....although, having said that, the actor who played sandman was awesome.

And Lizard will be next.......

It's like the 1st and 2nd of the Star Wars films, tons of flaws.....BUT I STILL LOVE THEM.
Girl's Jeans?

What does "Emo" mean?

Is that when those high school guys where those tight "girls" jeans?

If so...Tobby McGuire wears girls jeans in the Spidy movie? And DANCES?:rofl:
Spiderman 3 was an after-school special I paid for...I resent having watched it.

Worldview: Horrible
Morals: Not much, really.
Action: Kinda gay.
Dialogue: Lame.
Character development: 2 dimensional.

This ranks as one of the worste movies I've seen in a couple of years.
What does "Emo" mean?

Is that when those high school guys where those tight "girls" jeans?

If so...Tobby McGuire wears girls jeans in the Spidy movie? And DANCES?:rofl:

"Emo" is sort of like "evangelical" or "catholic" where the word has taken on a meaning that does not resemble the original.
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