Summit Ministries - good to send my teen daughter to, or recipe for disaster?

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Long time no see ladies and gents! Someone in our church wants to put together a group of teens to go to the Summit Ministries Student Conference in Colorado next year. I searched around all over the internet and cannot find anyone who has had a bad experience there. I am a bit worried that a group of teens, in a hotel, for 12 days... well, you get the idea. Has anyone had any direct experience with this group? Absent the worry that it will be party-rama, it is something worthwhile?
One of the more conservative families in our church loves it and has sent all their kids. This is a straight-laced, home-schooling, no-movies-no-alcohol kind of family. So I suspect that the party-rama concern is not a problem. Whether or not the teaching is solid, though, I can't say.
I went in 2000 as I was about to enter college. So, all of my recollections are 14years old, but in my experience it was well run and well supervised. I learned quite a lot there, and it certainly got me on the right track with respect to what a world view is, and how it underlies people's assumptions, beliefs, and then actions. I would send my kids.

(I could also offer a critique, if you'd like, privately or publically).
Looking at the website info, the conference does not honor the 4th commandment. They encourage recreational activities on the Lord's Day and do not expect the teens to attend corporate worship on the Lord's Day morning. Based on that, I would not send my children.
Looking at the website info, the conference does not honor the 4th commandment. They encourage recreational activities on the Lord's Day and do not expect the teens to attend corporate worship on the Lord's Day morning. Based on that, I would not send my children.

Andres, looking at their schedule I actually do see worship time on the schedule on Sunday, it's just not in the morning.
Looking at the website info, the conference does not honor the 4th commandment. They encourage recreational activities on the Lord's Day and do not expect the teens to attend corporate worship on the Lord's Day morning. Based on that, I would not send my children.

Andres, looking at their schedule I actually do see worship time on the schedule on Sunday, it's just not in the morning.

Right, there is no morning worship on the Lord's Day because instead they are out kayaking and mountain climbing. This is a violation of the 4th commandment and I would hope to never encourage my children to sin.
I'll also suggest some alternative options - here are some camps/conferences that the RPCNA puts on. The most recent ones are likely too soon (end of year) so I'd suggest checking back for updated camps next years. Also check this page too.
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