The hits won't stop coming...

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We have a significant number of government civilians in our organization. After news of the "failed" last minute "efforts" to avoid sequestration, I sent a slightly modified/specified version of this post to everyone in my unit who I know is at least a church goer - after all, through no fault of their own they are now faced with a 20% reduction in pay for the remainder of the fiscal year. One of them wrote back and told me to "stuff it" because he "wants to be angry."
I am not trying to be a kiss up but your blog has seriously been a blessing to me. It is almost as if each post was tailored to me and I have truly appreciated your gentle but firm approach to these issues. This post was such a balm to my distrustful and angry heart.
In case anyone is interested...

This post was inspired by my sermon preparation for the sermon I preached today. That sermon has been uploaded to the resources page of my site and is the one on the top. "Abandoned and Afflicted?" Ruth 1:1-22.
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