The Roman Pope Is The Antichrist

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But I'm really in over my head on this... I always saw end times as a great falling away & world wide persacution of the true church from powers & principalities of the age - with a remnant of Jews returning unto Christ.... I kind of feel the beginning of the end is upon us..... Don't know what the duration will be & what it will ultimately look like
Were you able to discern what position Dr Carson takes on the book of Revelation

Interesting question and I'm a bit confused by his presentation. Each sermon is over an hour and I listened to them all but not continuously, so I cannot say 100%. At first I thought him a partial preterist but he seems to favor a late date for the book so that is not possible. In his latest edition of "An Introduction To The New Testament." he addresses the 'preterist approach', the 'historical approach', the 'futurist approach', and the 'idealist approach', and then goes on to say, "Along with several recent commentators, we find some truth in all four of these views. Yet it is the futurist approach that comes closest to doing justice to the nature and purposes of Revelation. As we have seen, Revelation adapts and modifies the apocalyptic perspective. Jewish apocalyptic writers projected themselves back into time so that they could describe the imminent breaking into history of God's eternal kingdom as the culmination of history. By writing in his own name, John discards the historical survey and confronts his readers with an elaborate vision of the establishment of Christ's reign in history. Revelation is about eschatology, not history." You should listen to the sermons. He is a very eloquent and gifted preacher ........ In my humble opinion.
Thanks Jimmy, There's no doubt hes a very eloquent and gifted preacher, though I'll just have to agree to disagree on his views of Revelation,

he addresses the 'preterist approach', the 'historical approach', the 'futurist approach', and the 'idealist approach', and then goes on to say, "Along with several recent commentators, we find some truth in all four of these views. Yet it is the futurist approach that comes closest to doing justice to the nature and purposes of Revelation

with the Historicist view there is still some aspects yet to be fulfilled, no doubt, though I'd hardly say this in anyway supports the futurist scheme, which I find most unpalatable as it essentially being a bastard child of the Jesuit counter Reformation,
the fact that so many "Protestant" scholars of today hold some form of it shows the great inroads that have been made.

Albert Barnes Commentaries on the Book of Daniel & the Revelation ought to be read by any person interested in Prophecy & its interpretation as an introduction to the subject, particularly if you can get one that has the special supplement which is helpful in
getting an understanding of the principles & tenets of Historicism. Unfortunately these links don't contain the supplement.

Notes on the Book of Daniel US Edition

Notes Critical, Explanatory and Practical on the Book of Daniel, Volume 1 UK Edition

Notes Critical, Explanatory and Practical on the Book of Daniel, Volume 2 UK Edition

Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Book of Revelation US Edition

Notes Explanatory and Practical on the Book of Revelation UK Edition
Pope Pontifex Maximus blasphemed Christ with his title.

"And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God" Hebrews 10:11-12

So if the papacy allows this, I would not doubt that antichrist could use this to his advantage.
If the Papacy is the Antichrist, and I believe it myself, what's the significance of that, and is it good to "obsess" about it?

Probably for another thread.
Israel has been judged as a covenant people, and she is no longer a nation in covenant with God, there is no possibility of it happening a second time. The church is recognised as the Israel of God and the inheritor of the promises.

Hi Matthew, I am new to reformed theology does your statement here what I call replacement theology? From what I have understood the Orthodox Presbyterian Church does not hold this view. Does it vary in reformed churches?
Hi Matthew, I am new to reformed theology does your statement here what I call replacement theology?

"Replacement theology" is a pejorative term used by dispensationalists. In Romans 11 there is no replacement of the organism but a cutting off and engrafting of branches into a single organism which has existed from the beginning.
If the Papacy is the Antichrist, and I believe it myself, what's the significance of that, and is it good to "obsess" about it?

Probably for another thread.

Well this thread is as good as any other seeing it is dealing with the subject of the Roman Pope being the Antichrist, IF the fallen bishoprick of Rome or papacy is THE Antichrist there is much importance & significance in the matter.

It still has bearing in many regards today, there is still the matter of prophecy needing to be fulfilled, the destruction of the city of rome, mystery babylon or the seat of the beast, & the ongoing destruction of Antichrist's Kingdom through the preaching of the word or "breath of his mouth" and his ultimate & final destruction at The Coming of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ "with the brightness of his coming" 2 Thess 2:8.

You have the small matter of ecclesiastical relations, the antichristian,fallen & reprobate "catholic church" ought to be continually marked as such by the True Churches of Christ & separated from, with no ecumenical dialogue or relations practised, or in other words Churches ought to be thoroughly Protestant.

Because the Prophetic Promise in 2 Thess 2:8 has the Antichrist's Kingdom withered by the preaching of the Word of God,
there needs to be a wholesale turning back of the Church's of Christ to the Reformation or Received Text & a forsaking of
the Vatican or ecumenical Critical texts to best bring this about, now can you see why there has been such an attack on
The Scriptures by Antichrist & his jesuit henchmen through the use of Higher & Lower Textual Criticism, plus also a need for the restoration of the preaching of the True Scriptual, Protestant & Reformed Doctrines of the blessed Reformation.

In Relation to Civil Government, thoroughly Christian Constitutions need to be put into place, with The Lord Jesus Christ acknowledged His Laws established, ALL Ten Commandments Theonomically enforced in the Light of The New Testament revelation & general equity, with Christian Magistrates raised up who ought to be subject to a Scriptual & Religious Subscription Test, & the Cancelling, Abolishing & Annulment of all Romish Vatican Concordant's, as well as the abolition of vatican romish civil statute canon law or Admiralty Law & the re-establishment of a Scripturally mandated Christian Common Law, essentially no more Fornicating between the kings of the earth & the harlot.

Also a reintroduction of a Scriptural precious metal backed non-fiat currency & the abolition of romish controlled "Central" banking system which is used to enslave, impoverish, defraud, plunder & reign over the nations & the kings of the earth, through which merchants of the earth are waxed rich, because according to prophesy Rev 17 & 18 the woman which thou (John) sawest is that great city (Rome).
If the Papacy is the Antichrist, and I believe it myself, what's the significance of that, and is it good to "obsess" about it?

Probably for another thread.

Well this thread is as good as any other seeing it is dealing with the subject of the Roman Pope being the Antichrist, IF the fallen bishoprick of Rome or papacy is THE Antichrist there is much importance & significance in the matter.

It still has bearing in many regards today, there is still the matter of prophecy needing to be fulfilled, the destruction of the city of rome, mystery babylon or the seat of the beast, & the ongoing destruction of Antichrist's Kingdom through the preaching of the word or "breath of his mouth" and his ultimate & final destruction at The Coming of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ "with the brightness of his coming" 2 Thess 2:8.

You have the small matter of ecclesiastical relations, the antichristian,fallen & reprobate "catholic church" ought to be continually marked as such by the True Churches of Christ & separated from, with no ecumenical dialogue or relations practised, or in other words Churches ought to be thoroughly Protestant.

Because the Prophetic Promise in 2 Thess 2:8 has the Antichrist's Kingdom withered by the preaching of the Word of God,
there needs to be a wholesale turning back of the Church's of Christ to the Reformation or Received Text & a forsaking of
the Vatican or ecumenical Critical texts to best bring this about, now can you see why there has been such an attack on
The Scriptures by Antichrist & his jesuit henchmen through the use of Higher & Lower Textual Criticism, plus also a need for the restoration of the preaching of the True Scriptual, Protestant & Reformed Doctrines of the blessed Reformation.

In Relation to Civil Government, thoroughly Christian Constitutions need to be put into place, with The Lord Jesus Christ acknowledged His Laws established, ALL Ten Commandments Theonomically enforced in the Light of The New Testament revelation & general equity, with Christian Magistrates raised up who ought to be subject to a Scriptual & Religious Subscription Test, & the Cancelling, Abolishing & Annulment of all Romish Vatican Concordant's, as well as the abolition of vatican romish civil statute canon law or Admiralty Law & the re-establishment of a Scripturally mandated Christian Common Law, essentially no more Fornicating between the kings of the earth & the harlot.

Also a reintroduction of a Scriptural precious metal backed non-fiat currency & the abolition of romish controlled "Central" banking system which is used to enslave, impoverish, defraud, plunder & reign over the nations & the kings of the earth, through which merchants of the earth are waxed rich, because according to prophesy Rev 17 & 18 the woman which thou (John) sawest is that great city (Rome).

Much of this is way beyond what you can gather from believing that the Scriptures teach that the Pope is the Antichrist. Not all - e.g. the Westminster divines - who believed this were theonomists, for instance.

Many who do not believe that the Pope is the Antichrist, or even an antichrist, have any time for the doctrines of Rome, because there is enough in Scripture to teach them, although they are not sure of, or have a different notion of, this eschatalogical question.

When is it a good idea to tell another brother that you believe the Pope's the Antichrist? I have found this to be much misunderstood and largely unprofitable unless you have much time to explain yourself.

Should "the Pope's the Antichrist" be a good way of approaching Roman Catholics evangelistically, or is it "strong meat" that should be left out until later?
Good question Peairtach.

“Should “the Pope’s the Antichrist” be a good way of approaching Roman Catholics evangelistically, or is it “strong meat” that should be left out until later?”

If it is true, then it is of great importance to state that up front.

From the perspective of an historicist, it is absolutely true … he is either the first beast or the second of Revelation … I personally believe he is the second or False Prophet … the word “vatic” means prophet.

If the mark of the beast described in Revelation being on the right hand and/or forehead is Rome’s “sign of the cross” always displayed with right hand and placed on the forehead of the infant followers of the beast at their baptism and upon the forehead of the adult followers of the beast on Ash Wednesdays, then they are lost and should immediately be evangelistically warned “to come out of her”.

I believe it was around 300AD that the “sign of the cross” was introduced, along with bells, candles, icons of Mary and other Romish practices.
Good question Peairtach.

“Should “the Pope’s the Antichrist” be a good way of approaching Roman Catholics evangelistically, or is it “strong meat” that should be left out until later?”

If it is true, then it is of great importance to state that up front.

From the perspective of an historicist, it is absolutely true … he is either the first beast or the second of Revelation … I personally believe he is the second or False Prophet … the word “vatic” means prophet.

If the mark of the beast described in Revelation being on the right hand and/or forehead is Rome’s “sign of the cross” always displayed with right hand and placed on the forehead of the infant followers of the beast at their baptism and upon the forehead of the adult followers of the beast on Ash Wednesdays, then they are lost and should immediately be evangelistically warned “to come out of her”.

I believe it was around 300AD that the “sign of the cross” was introduced, along with bells, candles, icons of Mary and other Romish practices.

Anyone who trusts in works' righteousness for salvation rather than Christ alone is lost.

A Reformed person wouldn't need to hold to your particular view of the beasts of Revelation, Calvin, to know that, or to point out to Romanists the error of their beliefs and ways.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk 2
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