Thomas Aquinas on self-serving rulers and tyranny

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Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... Fourth, it is necessary that a king have equity, because otherwise he would be a tyrant: for the tyrant turns everything within the kingdom to his own use, but a king orders his kingdom to the common good. Thus Proverbs says: a just king sets up the land; a covetous man destroys it (Prov 29:4). But he [Christ] came not seeking his own use, but yours, because the Son of Man did not come to be ministered to, but to minister (Matt 20:28). And who comes to minister? Surely the one who comes to give his soul for the redemption of many (Matt 20:28), and so that he might lead the redeemed to eternal glory, to which may he lead us, etc.

For more, see Thomas Aquinas on self-serving rulers and tyranny.
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