What Are Your Childhood (or ongoing) Ambitions

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Puritan Board Junior
Care to share? Anyone perhaps always wanted to be an astronaut? Professional footballer? Rat brains specialist?

This is just fun fantasy. Unless of course, you're currently working towards it for yourself.
First ambition (during high school): Lawyer or constitutional scholar.
Ambition during college: Seminary professor

Last thing I ever wanted to do: Be a missionary in Africa or an American Baptist minister.
Second least attractive option: Running an old folks community.

[September 1 was the 12th anniversary of my tenture at Atherton Baptist Homes, a continuing care community for 350 seniors in four levels of care ranging from residential living to skilled nursing, following 22 years as an American Baptist minister]

Lawyer. Wanted to be a lawyer when I was little, then switched to other professions. Renewed my desire in High School but it again faded and appeared very unlikely due to academic performance.

Then, in early 2006, I was in the shower (i did my serious thinking in the shower at the time) and for some reason I concluded that I had to be a lawyer. Assuming I pass the bar, here in a year I'll be one. :)
I wanted to be a sports writer, 'cause they get into hockey games for free! I did write some sports and that morphed into generalized journalism and public affairs. Way back, I also saw news reports of people working on wildfires and thought, that looks like fun. My quals for that are still up to date!
It's kind of a long story, and hopefully I won't get too into it, but it's hard not to.

From the time I was 9 or 10 I wanted to be a professional orchestral musician, playing viola. I wanted to go on to get a doctorate in music performance. This was my ambition all the way up until I graduated high school/freshman year of college. Near the end I was starting to have doubts because though I had the talent and the work ethic (actually, I probably worked too hard), I was getting so stressed out and I knew that that would not change after college because in this business you have to have several different gigs in order to make a living out of it, and teach private lessons. Secondly, I have an obsessive personality and I was really letting myself love music more than God. I know one can be a professional musician and still put it in its proper place in relationship to God, but I can't. Third, I was given little to no counsel on how to deal with the cost of college, so I hadn't even thought about how I was going to pay for it. My private teacher, who is an orchestral musician herself, said that I *must* pay for it as I go because if I take it all out on loans I will have to get a job at a bank or something in order to keep up with the payments and I wouldn't be able to use my degree. Paying as I go was what I wanted to do but I didn't have the slightest clue how I was going to accomplish that. And as the reality of marriage to my then boyfriend became more immanent, I somehow planned to be married and homeschool kids while having this career without thinking about how I would do it. It would have been possible because many orchestras have their rehearsals at night, but it would have put lots of strain on my family. Also, if the orchestra near me didn't hire me, I would have to pick up and move to any of the other 49 states to have a job (there is probably only about 2 orchestras per state in which you can make a living off of). Definitely not something I can expect to make my husband do at the drop of hat.

So, now I have the *loveliest* career EVER as a homemaker!!!! :D and hopefully I will have little ones soon! My life is so much better as a result of not going down that path. I'm so glad I decided to be a college dropout housewife instead! Though I got, and still get, the hugest amount of grief from parents, relatives, friends, music mentors, etc for doing this... :barfy:
I always wanted to teach English (literature, really). I got my degree, and I've taught public, private, and home-school coop literature and grammar off and on for nearly ten years. Hopefully it will all come in handy when we homeschool Grace (Lord willing).
When I was 12, I decided I wanted to teach chemistry at the college level. During junior high and high school, I bounced around between other, equally geeky careers -- hardware engineer, software engineer, lawyer, astrophysicist... I decided to go the history professor route 20 minutes before I left the house to sign my transfer admission agreement with the UC advisor, and I've been working on that ever since. I had kinda expected to be in the middle of a Ph.D. program by now, but I wouldn't trade seminary (especially my seminary) for the world. Even if it is in SoCal.

(Of course, what I'm working on and what will be could turn out to be two entirely different things. But right now I'm a student.)
Through the years I wanted to be an astronaut, NBA player, marine biologist, and a radiologist.

Now I enjoy being a computer programmer, but still consider seminary. :)
I wanted to be a mad scientist and blow things up in a lab. I accomplished that one when I was 12 and moved on (actually, outside--Mom wouldn't have me doing stuff in the house).

I also wanted to be a diver, and became a certified SCUBA diver at the same age. I eventually went on to become an instructor.

I wanted to fly aerobatics, and managed to do that too in my 20s.

I wanted to sail on the Pacific ocean in a boat I built--yup, pulled that one off too.

So I guess I'm a tremendous success.

One thing, though: I never, ever, wanted to be a lawyer. My Dad, uncle, grandfather, and many cousins were all lawyers. Nope, not for me. I did everything I could to avoid it until it caught me from behind.

So, there was one childhood dream dashed to pieces. . . .;)

(BTW, I like what I now do a lot)
From when I was just a little guy, I have always wanted to be a husband. I distinctly remember when I was like 8 or 9 and praying for the family's evening meal, and I specifically asked God for a beautiful wife some day. My family laughed at me under their breaths. :lol: And still I desire a wife and to be a godly, sensitive, loving, protecting, providing, and self-sacrificing husband. Y niños tambien.

When I was about 11 or 12 I wanted to be an animal biologist because of watching guys like Steve Irwin and Jeff Corwin. I have always loved animals and couldn't think of a cooler way to make a living than catching and working with critters.

After a couple of years I wanted to be a professional gamer. I.e. Loser. Then I got a life and over time I have concluded that I want to be in vocational ministry.
I wanted to be a race car driver till I was about 13. Then I discovered flower power and wanted to be a free love flower child. You know the Hope crowd back then that would sing the Coca-Cola song, I'd like to teach the world to sing In perfect harmony....


Then I wanted to become a drop out. I had no aspirations. I was a worse fool than I am today. Well maybe.
As a child I had two dreams 1) Playing football for the Oklahoma Sooners and 2) being a professional wrestler (yes, of the wwf variety). Now, my goal/dream/whatever is to graduate and to use my degree in something.
When I was young I wanted to be a teacheror an oceanographer. As a teen I didn't really think much about it.

My only real ambition in life now is to raise up godly children who are responsible and love the Lord. This might sound hokey, but I read in Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband trusts in her and he will have no lack of gain. Since the day I read that verse that is what I have wanted to be. That has been one of my goals and as much as I fall down and stumble I pray the Lord will make me that.
Oh, sorry, missed the part about our "ongoing ambitions."

Currently, my fantasy is to hand out samples at Costco or to be a greeter at Walmart.
I'd like to start a mini farm to grow some of our own food. When we leave NJ, the place where we settle will be big enough to attempt this without annoying the neighbors.

I would also like to have a garage with a pit, a lift, and proper filters and ventilation to restore old vehicles or at least keep mine running until I can't drive anymore.
First mine was to be Bruce Lee, then it was to be James Dean, and now John Owen

James Dean? Do you mean he who is affectionately called Jimmy Dean, the sausage guy? That would be a pretty sweet progression of interests :cool:

So here is Charlie:

Since Kindergarten I liked girls, and my highest goal was to be (and still is) a husband and father. Now having been ensconced in Reformed Theology, it has made that goal all the more desired, etc.
Me too. From as early as I can remember, all I wanted was to be married with a family. Oh, and I wanted to be a doctor. God saw fit to bless me with a large family; he also spared all of you, since "Dr. Rich" would not have been a good thing :p.
Secret Agent, Rock Star, Kung Fu Master, Pot Farmer... in that order, none of which I attained unto, nor for which do I retain any aspirations. Wanted to be a fisherman, did that, got that T-shirt, and want no more of it. Thought about merchant seaman, but am too much of a homebody and desirous of a family for that to ever have worked. Being a husband and father were always present in my thinking.

Now I'm a ne'er-do-well jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none plying my hand at about my umpteenth career path in a seemingly vain attempt to provide for my family. Present ambitons are to be content with whatsoever the Lord ordains for me, find out what I want to be when I grow up, and be a better son to my Father, husband to my wife, and father to my children.
Honestly? My greatest ambition right now is to:
1) Be a godly man
2) And a good husband/father (someday in the not-too-distant future.)

I also feel a strong calling to teaching. I would love to go on to seminary and grad school after college and teach American History at the university level, but that's a lot of time and money. I would also be thrilled to teach high school history courses at a good classical school.
Growing up, I wanted to play football for the Sooners and then the Rams. Instead, I discovered women and bit that stupid apple.

Things are great. Life has turned out real well. I have everything I need and desire nothing more. What I'm really looking forward to in the immediate future is receiving the bible I ordered in the mail.
If I ever had childhood ambitions they have since been long forgotten. Now I just want to be a good christian father and husband.
This is just fun fantasy.

This is fun. Josh would be the Rat Brains specialist.
Me? I had the desire and evidently the talent to become a Professional Bowler. I guess the one thing I lacked was $upport or the knowledge of how to do it.

I lived for baseball as a kid, but that died somewhere.
I played drums for awhile and would still like to play, but when I saw real drummers, I recognized my skill level and now enjoy watching. Virgil Donati
I come from a family of teachers and find that I really do like teaching, but it wasn't until I was introduced to Reformed Theology that I thought I ever had anything to teach. Now, I find that being introduced to Reformed Theology shows me how far I've yet to go before I am able to teach :lol:
New-found interests? Landscaping and woodworking.

Reading VictorBravo's post was inspirational.

-----Added 10/22/2009 at 08:41:49 EST-----

Just for the fun of it, here's another vid of Donati
I actually achieved my childhood ambitions and formal training . . .which was to be a classical ballet dancer, which eventually led to a lucrative career as a choreographer, teacher, and director of my own school and producer of theatrical productions of that art.

Thing is, in my 30's, I was shown by the grace of God that my realized dreams and successes were ungodly and vanity at best, and that there was a better "show" (testimony) for me to share with the world. . . and that was the reality of the love and righteousness of Jesus Christ for His own!

So I guess I can say I have experienced the desires of my heart . . .more than I ever deserved or expected . . . thanks to my Lord and Savior who has provided me with physical, material, and spiritual blessings beyond measure!
Care to share? Anyone perhaps always wanted to be an astronaut? Professional footballer? Rat brains specialist?

This is just fun fantasy. Unless of course, you're currently working towards it for yourself.

Mountain man... Still working on it...
I wanted to be the starting third baseman on the New York Mets. I was actually a very good ballplayer. Good speed, strong arm, soft hands in the field, and I could hit for power. Unfortunately, my home life was one of turmoil and constant moving. I never got to play organized ball regularly until my junior year in high school. By then it was too late to make a good impression. Oh, what could have been!

I settled for being a salesperson. I've sold rental uniform services, personal hygiene products, ladies feminine hygiene removal service for businesses (yes, your read it right), and recently specialty maintenance products (drain maintenance and industrial lubrication). It's a far cry from Citi-Field in Flushing, Queens but its a living.
I wanted to be a professor of History while in high school, but after being in college, I realized that I was really more suited to a 8-5 job, where I could leave the work at work. I worked in my college's library and in their archive and I decided to go to grad school. Because of personal and family reasons, it was necessarily for me to stay in the area after graduating, so I worked in my local town records office (which I really liked) and now I'm working as the local reference librarian (which I love.) I'm hoping to be free to leave and go to grad school in a few years - its still my ambition to be an academic librarian or archivist, but we'll see.
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