What are your hobbies?

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Ran for local political office / local politics in general
Shortwave/internet radio listening (have ham license, but no antennas up since last hurricane)
Cooking/grilling/smoking all sorts of stuff
Making cars last long past when others would junk them
Trying new brands/roasts of coffee
Collecting inexpensive/free books that I may someday read
Jeremy, about forests. You could go tubing on the Little Piney River, hunting (you're south of the Mason-Dixon!) do nature photography, become a birder, learn to really cook over a fire, go orientering -- dang, I've barely started ...
Spending time with my wife is my main hobby. Anything she wants to do or needs to do, it is great to do with her. Whether its grocery shopping or going to the theatre.

I also like reading and watch Rangers Football Club and some Ice Hockey clubs.
My hobbies, if I would do them lol, are photography and painting. I've been too lazy lately though :D
Home improvement and maintaining our cars. Currently doing a bathroom remodel.

I just redid my bathroom. I enjoyed doing it. Had someone come in and do the walls around the tub. Water got behind the tiles and ruined the wall. I tore the tiles off and got rid of them and had someone come in and fix the wall. Then I had a blast repainting it. Think the Kitchen is next.
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Was fly fishing until I broke my hip, but now I am intending starting back on water colour painting, but the empty white paper scares me!
I've got a lot to learn, but I love auto mechanics. I love building and construction, too.

I'm a reader and love researching topics others shy from.
I'm currently getting back into freshwater aquariums (specifically discus) after a long long absense.
I have a six foot tank that I'm trying to aquascape and my recent birthday present was $140 of gravel.
Whatever happened to undergravel filters? And what's with all this CO2 injection stuff?
I thought "hobbies" were an exception to the Westminster Standards?! I mean, the Vulcans in Star Trek don't take vacations--then again, they wouldn't watch sci-fi. I play a guitar in a loud metal, classic rock, and jazz fusion mode. I'm not John McLaughlin, but I give it a go. I enjoy listening to NPR in the car and deconstructing it for my kids, I've noticed they've become attached to their iPods. I wonder what hobbies Turretin or Thornwell had.
Sir, you are no "hack"; you're a full grown mensch! Man alive. Much respect.
I'm a hack of all trades. Too many "hobbies" for me; all of them important and not enough time for most of them:

musical composition (for about 40 years off and on)
fishing (all kinds, lately it's fly fishing for steelhead)
boat building (finishing up a 20 foot power dory for the fishing projects)
telescope building (ground my mirrors, used for astrophotography and observaton)
grape growing (now mostly table grapes, my little vineyard has finally come into production and gave us over 150 pounds of grapes)
electronics (rebuilt an old Baldwin organ, recently dug out and renovated a regenerative-signal short wave radio I made years ago)
playing with PIC microcontrollers (which was combined with the Baldwin organ project to make a midi controller)
Translating middle French theology works (working, slowly, on some neglected Pierre Viret works)
Plant breeding and seed saving

Back burner hobbies (things I was doing in the past but are on layover right now):

aerobatics (I used to fly a Citabria)
SCUBA diving (certified instructor since 1979)
Sailing (a homebuilt boat that did not survive a storm while tied to a bulkhead)

Plus, miscellaneous writing, reading, etc.

Time is always the limiting factor. I usually can fit in 2-4 hours an evening toward my projects, sometimes more. But my day job as a public defender and duties toward my church always take priority. At least I usually am happily tired at the end of the day.
Cooking various world foods (Latest exploration is Moroccan food via a Tagine)
Tiny Houses (managed the 1st half of a build a couple years ago)
I thought "hobbies" were an exception to the Westminster Standards?! I mean, the Vulcans in Star Trek don't take vacations--then again, they wouldn't watch sci-fi. I play a guitar in a loud metal, classic rock, and jazz fusion mode. I'm not John McLaughlin, but I give it a go. I enjoy listening to NPR in the car and deconstructing it for my kids, I've noticed they've become attached to their iPods. I wonder what hobbies Turretin or Thornwell had.

Translate the Westminster Standards into Klingon and Vulcan so your penance will be complete and hobby then legitimate!
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