Works refuting paedocommunion

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Puritan Board Freshman
In your opinion, what are the best works (books, essays, articles, lectures, sermons, etc.) that refute paedocommunion?

I have never studied the topic before and I want to get a accurate grasp on both sides so as to not fall into the trap of misrepresenting/misunderstanding the other. I have decided to start with credo-communion, since it is the confessional position.
The Venema book is undoubtedly the best book. I like certain things about Coppes' book, but he does have some rather idiosyncratic argumentation at times. Also check out the book edited by Duncan and Waters.
Thank you, gentlemen. Has there been any sort of public debate concerning this issue, either formal or informal?
What's to debate? That's snarky, I know.

If you start with that first chapter-online (last link in my post above) you will see note of what might be called the beginning of more modern efforts of raising a debate, with responses offered.

In simple terms, p-c is not Reformed, period. If you note where it has popped up most, you find the advocates are usually former Baptists (no offense to the Baptists) who retain their previously held basic hermeneutical approach; it's just flipped around, and they suppose it now fits better "backward." Both sacraments belong (in this view) to the same people in the same way. Before, baptism was associated with the public confession and communion. After the switch, communion is associated with infant baptism.

You might also read RSClark on the topic. Here's a start:
I sort of went through Venema's book with Doug Wilson as a debate partner. We didn't get all the way through the book, because of various reasons, but we did get to some substantive issues. On my blog, go to the search box and put in "Venema." The debates start on the second page ("older entries").
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