Would this new job be biblical or not?

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Puritan Board Freshman
So I've got an interview next week for a video marketing position basically promoting how patients have overcome their illnesses through pharmacy (without ever saying that) and that now they are strong and want to share their story with the world. Clearly there won't be any reference to Christ, and it's all man centered. Would it be unbiblical to promote such self reliance or is this a form of common grace that should be celebrated?

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Sounds to me like God's gift of medicine that should be celebrated. Now obviously those who do not know Christ would be making an idol out of the gift, but it could be a good opportunity for you to talk about God's gift of medicine.
Even if I have to produce a product that promotes their idolatry?

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Even if I have to produce a product that promotes their idolatry?

I see where this could be a problem, but wouldn't that be a problem in most fields of work? are you actually helping to produce these videos? have you been able to preview some of the stuff?
I've seen some of their stuff. In this field you practically give the person on camera the words to say. Even more so for this specific job, because there are regulations preventing people from saying certain things. I would be producing the whole product, many of them, from start to finish.

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I don't see the problem, then. But if you do, I'll endorse Mr. Silva's comments.
It sounds like you don't quite believe that the message you'd be spreading is true. If you have a good conscience, that might be a problem for you.

As a fellow who's been in marketing, I will say you either need to be a mercenary who'll say anything as long as you get paid for it (which you don't appear to be), or you need to believe in the product. As a Christian, you're going to believe in the product in a different way than unbelievers do; you won't worship it or imagine it to be the cure-all for every ill. That's okay. You can still help promote the product if you believe it is a good product.

Now, from what you've posted here, I don't see any reasons why you would not believe in the product. Pharmaceuticals are generally a blessing in the world if used wisely. But if you have reasons to think the claims you are promoting are untrue or overstated, then don't take on the job. Find a product or service you do believe in, and apply your marketing expertise to that. Promoting a product you don't believe in will only make you feel slimy, and you don't want that.
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