This new job isn't gonna be easy

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Burrito Bill
I went on my first appointment with a potential new insurance client today, even though the ink is barely dry on my license. Jonnie is a turning 65 next month, and will be eligible for Medicare. My job was to help determine if her Medicare coverage was sufficient to meet her needs and goals and, if not, determine what options to shore up her coverage are available and affordable to her.

I did not actually make a presentation, as Jonnie's daughter has power of attorney for her due to a debilitating stroke that took her powers of speech and her daughter was not there. I did contact her daughter, and will be meeting with both of them next week.

What struck me was the sheer loneliness of the woman, coupled by her determination for independence. Through mostly yes/no questions, photos and gestures, she expressed how she went from a robust life to near helplessness in the flash of a moment. And, although she has 8 children and 17 grandchildren, only her youngest daughter (who works in healthcare) even gives her the time of day. Her home is falling down around her, yet despite having two able bodied sons living less than six miles away, neither have even called much less visited for over six months. The woman, in her darkest need, was abandoned by her family.

Furthermore, she is not a professing Christian. This tore at my heart and so I spent most of the time there sharing the Gospel, with particular emphasis on our reliance upon Christ for strength, comfort and peace- free gifts of grace for those who repent and believe. I do not care if doing that was against company policy (or even against the law, for that matter), but I can see that I will be unable to do this job without framing the work with the Good News.

I did invite her to Sunday service and, although she declined, she did agree to meet with me next week- so hope is not lost. I will be inviting her and her daughter to church at that appointment, too.

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