Would You Die If You Were Lost in the Wilderness?

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Puritan Board Doctor
I'm pretty sure I would! lol! I took This quiz and only got a 13! It was the "what direction?" questions that killed me! Seriously, I could get lost in a phone booth ahahahaha! My best bet is to stay put cuz i knew what to eat, where to make my shelter and knew when i was getting hypothermia and what to do about it. Even though i knew you can know how close a storm is by counting between lightening and thunder idk you had to divide between a certain number............... and then I needed a calculator to divide it hahahahaha......... so I'll be lost in the woods building my shelter thinking i have time in which to do it just to find out that the storm is upon me while i'm halfway in the midst of building my cozy home hahahaha! I love being blonde! I just need my computer, the internet, and electricity if I ever decide to get lost in the wilderness ;) BTW, don't ask me for directions or anything about math lol.
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hahahaha well i hear that the other side rocks! so no worries we'll go together ;)
I also got a 13.

I tell you one thing though, I'm never purposely getting close enough to any snake to determine the shape of its eyes! And how in the world can you start a fire with a soda can and chocolate?! :)
I got a 13, but my fear of snakes would certainly be the death of me. So, I'd be dead at the start just thinking about running into one.
I also got a 13.

I tell you one thing though, I'm never purposely getting close enough to any snake to determine the shape of its eyes! And how in the world can you start a fire with a soda can and chocolate?! :)

HahHA I got the snake one right but like you I so don't need to look into their eyes to see if they would cause me harm I'm running north of them .... which ever way north is lol
14 for me. My 12-year-old son might do better. They actually teach wilderness survival skills in his school here, which makes some sense given where we live and all the outdoor activities people engage in. Stories of people lost in the mountains for days come up quite frequently.
19, though that was because I answered according to how I thought they would answer, and not according to what I thought was the right answer.

I got the most popular insect wrong. Of course beetles are edible, but who cares how popular they are? I'm sticking with grasshoppers anyway.

The moon question was poorly worded, but I guessed at what they were looking for.

I also figured what they wanted regarding nutritional aspect of insects, but their "correct" answer is not quite right: the protein they speak of is incomplete and often unavailable in the wild (because of chitin), whereas fat content is almost always available.

[End obscure and OCD criticism]

I think more emphasis should have been on plants, e.g., for some of us western US folks it's important to be able to identify death camas from camas. Grasshoppers and camas will keep you going a long time in much of the Great Plains and northern Rockies.
15, and I've worked in the woods; but we were taught to grab for our MREs and radios :D

I'm surprised they didn't ask about discerning naturally warmer locations for sleeping That can be critical.

I've eat elderberries with no ill effects and have consumed wine from the same. Might there be different names in different parts of the country?
the soda can and chocolate
My belly shouda caught fire a long time ago. I'm seeing an eagle scout tonight. I'll ask him.
I scored 16. I rethought one just as I clicked the wrong answer, so it should have been 17 (honest!).
15, and I've worked in the woods; but we were taught to grab for our MREs and radios :D

I'm surprised they didn't ask about discerning naturally warmer locations for sleeping That can be critical.

I've eat elderberries with no ill effects and have consumed wine from the same. Might there be different names in different parts of the country?
the soda can and chocolate
My belly shouda caught fire a long time ago. I'm seeing an eagle scout tonight. I'll ask him.

Elderberries have cyanide toxin. It's most pronounced in the leaves and twigs, and less-than-ripe berries. Even fresh berries can have some--concentration may depend upon moisture conditions of the soil.

Eating a few fresh is probably OK, but boiling them or otherwise cooking them is best: the CN vaporizes away.

As for the chocolate and pop can trick, the chocolate is sort of a gimmick. What you are after is a polished bottom of the aluminum can, which is close to a parabola, meaning that it can be a magnifying mirror to set things on fire.

Fire from a Can of Coke and a Chocolate Bar
I thought the sun at noon was right over your head so that along with the moon along with any directional question they had I got wrong lol! Why isn't the sun right over your head at noon that just makes so much sense to me?!
16, so maybe Tim and I have a chance if we stick together! :)

Sorry, I am not up on my "bug cuisine," and I have never watched an episode of Survivor.

But the band did have one great song back in the 80s.


Hey, I didn't know Weird Al played keyboards for that band...
I thought the sun at noon was right over your head so that along with the moon along with any directional question they had I got wrong lol! Why isn't the sun right over your head at noon that just makes so much sense to me?!

Well, if you are on the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees North latitude) on June 21, that would be the case. But if you are anywhere north of that (as in the continental US), the sun at noon will always be south of you at noon. At high noon, go outside and see if you can see your shadow extend from your feet. The direction your shadow points to will be North, so, of course, the sun will be South.
18 -- certainly would have thought ants to be most popular. Though, probably hardest to capture. Hmm ... idk.
I thought the sun at noon was right over your head so that along with the moon along with any directional question they had I got wrong lol! Why isn't the sun right over your head at noon that just makes so much sense to me?!

Well, if you are on the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees North latitude) on June 21, that would be the case. But if you are anywhere north of that (as in the continental US), the sun at noon will always be south of you at noon. At high noon, go outside and see if you can see your shadow extend from your feet. The direction your shadow points to will be North, so, of course, the sun will be South.

Let's hope I'm never lost in the Tropic of Cancer on June 21, and if I am I'm spending the night there so that on June 22 I'll know which way is north. Hmmmm.....my second problem would be "do I go north, south, east, or west to get to town?" hahahahaha.
I got the most popular insect wrong. Of course beetles are edible, but who cares how popular they are? I'm sticking with grasshoppers anyway.

I think you are correct, sir. I myself have eaten platefuls of fried grasshoppers in China and saw many, many others doing the same. That's one city of 10 million in a country of 1 billion. Beetles are not so popular there, so I think that grasshoppers have a statistical edge.
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