Hebrews 1:3 says God is “upholding all things by the word of his power.” If this is true then it should be for all created things that their existence and continuance has no sufficient explanation in their own created natures, but is due only to God willing them to exist.
Thus if one...
classical apologetics
defending the faith
defending your faith
edward feser
god's being
god's existence
light of nature
natural theology
proofs for god
reformed thomism
theology proper
thomas aquinas
I wasn't sure what to title this thread, as it is essentially a solicitation for apologetics resources from those "more in the know" regarding specific areas in the Evidentialist tradition of defending the faith.
With regards to upholding the veracity of the Genesis account of creation, this...
Having been introduced to Presuppositionalism through a back door, I have a very basic question: What is it, snd what is it based on? In other words, on what ground do you pre-suppose your'e pre-suppositions?
If Atheos Foolsson asks you "how do you know that there is a God", or "how do you...
What historical apologetics and polemical works are there against Rabbinicsm (i.e Judaism, falsely so called)? Did any of the Patristics, Reformers, Puritans, Covenanters, Dutch divines or other orthodox theologians have enough interactions with this religion to write against it?
I am...
Archibald Alexander (1772–1851) is known for his warm, experimental Calvinism, being the first professor at Old Princeton Seminary and for being a father of early American presbyterianism. Charles Hodge (1797–1878), a major theologian in his own right, was his student, and took down Alexander’s...
american presbyterianism
archibald alexander
charles hodge
early american presbyterianism
princeton seminary
reformed doctrines
scottish common sense realism
systematic theologies
systematic theology
Mid-America Reformed Seminary's Center for Missions and Evangelism is hosting a conference in October. Please consider attending and spreading the word around to your churches, friends, and family.
Hi all
I am going to be speaking to a JW soon and am busy preparing. I am going through the various passages in the Bible where e.g., the same attributes are used to describe Jehovah and Christ. I read the following thread: https://www.puritanboard.com/threads/proving-the-trinity.6330/...
The Reasonableness of the Christian Religion by Jonathan Dickinson (1688–1747)
Jonathan Dickinson (1688–1747), was an American Presbyterian minister of the Gospel, and founder and first president of the College of New Jersey.
Dickinson’s work before you is one of fundamentals. He has chosen...
Reading Bahnsen's "Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis" I was struck by this quote from Van Til:
"Christianity is the only position that does not make nonsense of human experience" (pg 75)
I was struck by it because that seems to be the aim of the "new" philosophies of our day. They...
I am meeting a Jehova's Witness this coming Sunday. The reason for our meeting is explicitly evangelistic in nature (I suppose from both sides...).
Any advice? Specific points to watch out for / to focus on?
I know there are good JW apologetic books out there (I've read one or two before), but...
Greetings PB!
I have recently been scheduled to participate in a live debate with a professing atheist. The topic for the debate, or question to be debated, is:
"Is God's Existence Coherent and Congruent with Reality?"
I already see that the phrasing of the question places "Reality" as the...
The Jesuit Robert Bellarmine (d. 1621) was the most important apologist in all of Church history for the Romanist Church. Responses to his works numbered into the several hundreds.
As Bellarmine's volumes of disputations covered most doctrines of the Christian faith in an orderly way, so full...
defending the faith
resources available
roman apologists
roman catholic
roman catholicism
systematic theology
In the beginning of summer I started out as a barista in this new place in Boston. The owner is an older man who practices Islam. We got to talking and he began to really respect me because I was apparently the first Christian He's come into close contact with who holds to the words of the Bible...
Morning all - I'm meeting with a RC who asked me this question, which I'm not sure how to address.
If 2 Tim 3.14-17 teaches the sufficiency of Scripture, was it sufficient for Timothy?
I think what he's getting at is that the NT wasn't written yet, so it's really referring to the OT. So if...
What podcasts do y'all recommend? I'm mostly looking for things in the realm of theology, cultural commentary, philosophy, apologetics, etc.
If you have one outside of this wheelhouse, I'm good to hear that, too.
Hello All,
I came across the following post today on Facebook and wanted to gather thoughts on how one would respond to the professors claims. The class is called Soc119 and its being taught at Penn State in which it claims that it helps students "experience critical thinking when students are...
I highly recommend this book to anyone who just starting to study Presuppositional Apologetics. It was one of the first books I have read on this topic. If there is any book that helps beginners understand the Presuppositional method, this is the one. Broken down by chapters and sections the...
Deism is defined as the belief that reason and and the Natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of God. Deists believe God is not knowable and untouchable. God is seen as the first cause of all creation, but he is not interactive within creation. Here is an analogy, think of God...
Modern Reformation article by Horton freely available for the next three weeks:
"A cursory comparison of the indices of any primary or secondary work on Eastern Orthodoxy and evangelicalism exposes an...
I go to Wheaton College. Last month a Roman Catholic student posted up an article on the student forum wall (in the fellowship area) stating that she feels unwelcome at an evangelical school for her Roman Catholic beliefs. She stated that we should all be open arms for each other regardless of...
I posted on the Doctrine forum, since it really is connected to that, but I'm in search of parents/readers for a manuscript called (Writing on the Wall I) Suffering: A Parent's Blueprint to Answering the Big Questions of Life-with Christian Apologetics Activities for Kids-.
For more info see...
I need some beta readers for my manuscript (Writing on the Wall Series I) Suffering: A Parent's Blueprint to Answering the Big Questions of Life-with Christian Apologetics Activities for Kids-.
The document will be about 140 lettersize pages, including the activity guide. I'm looking for...
Can we 100% prove the existence of God, due to the impossibility of the contrary?
Doesn't the presuppositional argument for the existence of God basically boil down to the Christian theistic worldview being the only worldview that makes rational sense?
For example, Christian theists can make...
Is it possible to prove/demonstrate the existence of God to an atheist (i.e. someone who doesn't accept the Bible as "proof")? If so, how can it be done effectively without using the Bible? If not, does that bother you, or are you comfortable with just saying it all comes down to "faith?"
Hello All,
I have been reading a lot of material by Van Til, Sproul and others on apologetics. The main theme that is stated is that all of us presuppose a worldview and that worldview is defined by our culture. I experience this through my job since I have to travel internationally and notice...
This 1100+ page Microsoft Word document lives up to its name. It is a comprehensive treatment of numerous apologetic topics. This is a rare item from my personal archives that you will want in your apologetics arsenal.
And before anyone asks, from the CARM MOAN Copyright page:
"The purpose of...
I've became friends with a Seventh Day Adventist who really takes his denomination's theology seriously. He tried to convince me that the Constantine changed the worship day to Sunday.
I would like for anyone to recommend books on the following two topics, so I may choose one and give as a...
I have colleagues who are Theravada Buddhists, although I don't think they are serious practitioners. Anyway, I want to give them a Christian/Reformed book that emphasizes the person of Jesus Christ and salvation from sin.
I also plan on evangelizing them, so I would appreciated bibliographic...
I would like to know what are some of the greatest works of the 20th and 21st centuries that refutes the main Roman Catholic dogmas (such as church government and the Pope's office, worshipping and praying to the saints, etc.).
Thank you