christian walk

  1. luckasz

    Difficulty on seeking for a wife

    Hi brothers and sisters. I hope this post finds you well. This is my first post here, and I'm really looking for multiple counsellors (Proverbs 11:14). I have in a really struggling situation (I'm going desperate really). I live in a country where 97% are catholics (basically agnostics), and...
  2. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: Spiritual Desertions Discovered and Remedied by Samuel Willard (1640-1707)

    Spiritual Desertions Discovered and Remedied by Samuel Willard (1640-1707) Samuel Willard (1640-1707) was a reformed preacher of the Gospel in the old South Boston Church in New England, president of Harvard University, and one of the great Protestant ministers of his day. Samuel Willard’s...
  3. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: Putting on Christ by Thomas Hooker (1586-1647)

    Putting on Christ by Thomas Hooker (1586-1647) Thomas Hooker (1586-1647) was an English separatist Pilgrim who was a popular New England Reformed preacher and minister of the Gospel. William Ames spoke of...
  4. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: Biblical Sincerity Discovered – by Nicholas Lockyer (1611–1685)

    Biblical Sincerity Discovered by Nicholas Lockyer (1611–1685) Nicholas Lockyer (1611–1685) was a puritan divine with an exceptional preaching ability and fervent spirit towards reformation. In “Biblical Sincerity Discovered,” Nicholas Lockyer offers a timeless exploration of the weighty...
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: The Delay of Reformation Provokes God’s Indignation by James Nalton (1600-1662)

    The Delay of Reformation Provokes God’s Indignation by James Nalton (1600-1662) James Nalton (1600-1662) was a Presbyterian minister and puritan, described as a good linguist, a man of primitive sincerity, and an excellent and zealous preacher. Nalton takes his text from Jer. 13:27, “I have...
  6. C. Matthew McMahon

    Richard Allestree (1619-1681) Explains the Beauty of Holiness

    The Beauty of Holiness by Richard Allestree (1619-1681) Richard Allestree (1619-1681) (also Allestry) was an English divine during the era of the Westminster Assembly. He was a man of extensive learning, of moderate views and a fine preacher, generous and charitable, of, “a solid and masculine...
  7. C. Matthew McMahon

    5 Marks of a Biblical Disciple - Book 2 in the Series

    5 Marks of a Biblical Disciple by C. Matthew McMahon A biblical disciple is not merely aware of the teachings of Jesus Christ, or God’s prescription for being a follower of his word. It is one who holds certain distinguishable marks who has been supernaturally changed by God’s grace, and...
  8. Ed Walsh

    "I Want to be More Holy"--A Request for my Advice

    Greetings, I received a request from someone I do not know about holiness. I wrote to him and promised to ask my friends on the PB. Your help would be appreciated. His letter is below. Thanks, Ed ======= Hi Ed, I'm trying to learn, or study some teachings on, growing in holiness, which...
  9. C. Matthew McMahon

    McMahon's Weekly Expository Sermons Online at APM

    This new thread starts a new series in preaching. We are going through basics of the Christian life. SERMON 1: Contending: The Saint’s Necessity to Contend for the Faith, Jude 1:3, (April 15, 2018). SERMON 2: Resolving: The Christian’s Resolve to Do Great Works for God, Neh. 6:1-4, (April...