
  1. S

    The Incarnation in the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy)

    I am trying to think this through: In the first five books of the scriptures, which places give the clearest indications that the one who is to come will be God, the God-man? I will name the first one I thought of. Both clear-cut quotations and longer explanations about what some passage or...
  2. S

    The Sabbath and Jewish Evangelism

    Around 2:38, the orthodox questioner asks why Messianic Jews do not keep the Sabbath. He does not get an answer. Because there is not a good answer - he found one of the inconsistancies of Israeli MJ's. I am sure a Confessional Presbyterian would give an answer that, while not a proof for...
  3. S

    Historical apologetic and polemic works against Rabbinicism (Judaism)

    Hello, What historical apologetics and polemical works are there against Rabbinicsm (i.e Judaism, falsely so called)? Did any of the Patristics, Reformers, Puritans, Covenanters, Dutch divines or other orthodox theologians have enough interactions with this religion to write against it? I am...
  4. S

    Free Church of Scotland Missions in Galilee

    I have heard scattered references to missions of the Free Church of Scotland in Tiberias and perhaps other locations (they seemed to have purchased the properties of the English missionaries in Safed), as well as something at some point relating to the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland being...
  5. S

    Old Testament Scriptures Opposing Unchecked Rabbinical Authority (Against the Jewish Rabbinists)

    Grace and peace to you all, I had a conversation today with one of my brethren according to the flesh, an Ultra-Orthodox Rabbinist. We discussed several issues, and our conversation came to the question of the authority of the traditions that they erronously call the Oral Torah (this being the...
  6. ReformedChristian

    Doctrine of Predestination in the Dead Sea Scrolls

    1QH:I:1:17–22 [And] to the spirit of man which Thou hast Formed in the world, [Thou hast Given dominion over the works of Thy Hands] for Everlasting days and unending generations….in their ages Thou hast Allotted to them tasks during their generations, and Judgment in their appointed seasons...
  7. Travis Fentiman

    Reformed Polemical Theologies Online

    One of the most popular generas of reformed scholasticism was Polemical Theology, which is Scriptural theology that is organized around refuting false doctrines and religions. The brilliance of the light is often most clearly seen in contrast to the darkness of error. Little is it known that...
  8. M

    Messianic Judaism's objection to the Trinity

    I just watched a video of a Messianic Jewish rabbi, in Brazil, arguing against the doctrine of the Trinity. He says, among other arguments: “The Spirit of God is not a distinct entity, such as is affirmed by Trinitarians, because he himself is the Holy Spirit”. With such affirmation, he denied...
  9. Von

    Do the Jews believe in hell?

    I was talking with a guy, who considers himself jewish (parents from Israel and they adhere to judaism). As far as I can establish, he is not very active in his faith, although he does fast on the Day of Atonement, try to live a good life, etc. When I raised the issue of hell, he said that...
  10. M

    Messianic Judaism and deity of Jesus Christ

    Someone in my family no longer believes Jesus Christ is God because of their recent belief of Messianic Judaism. According to my family member, Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and is the Son of God, but isn't God. Well, I believe there are different variations of Messianic Jews, but the Messianic...
  11. Classical Presbyterian

    3,000 Year Old Jewish Community Now Gone

    Yemen has lost the last Jews of that ancient community: Yemen's last Jews set to flee for US, Israel | Jewish News | Jerusalem Post Sad news for the world I think. How many other historic communities are being extirpated by militant Islam?
  12. Eoghan

    Digging up Hebrew Roots - is this the faith once delivered?

    I would have liked more details. That said looking for meat in 40 pages was perhaps too optamistic. It provides a summary of five different types of groups (p33, 34) which appear to represent five stages in the spiritual journey of some (p37) from Christianity to Orthodox (circumcised)...