Are You Old Enough to Remember This?

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Puritan Board Doctor
Robert Kinoshita, an art director for films and television who designed the robot for the TV series Lost in Space (1965-1968) ("Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!"), died recently at the age of 100.

Even as a 15-year-old boy, I knew the series was doomed when the space travelers got attacked by talking rocks...
I have a timer for my coffee machine which uses Robbie the robot (Forbidden Planet) wav file, "Your coffee is ready sir"
The show came out before I was born but I watched it in reruns when I was boy. I loved the show.
I used to love watching that show in reruns. I liked the second version of the theme song better. Wow, 100 years old!
:lol: The chimp with Spock ears "bloop bloop" Classic.
Gotta love Gilligans Island too, :lol: they made everything on the island bar the Eifel Tower, but couldn't fix the boat. :scratch:
It turns out he was the same guy who did the robot for "Forbidden Planet." That's why the two robots sort of resemble each other.
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