Cold Enough For You?

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We're dying here in Florida. We are having flurries of sunshine and the temperature is ranging from 70-80 degree's. We may get some rain today...

Send help!!!:lol:
It's rough living on California's central coast. Just last week I had to put on a sweater!
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
It's snowing in parts of Virginia today. Is anybody ready for winter yet? :candle:

Kicked the heater on last week. It's gettin' that time of year! :detective:
Hey, it was 41 degrees down here in Mobile this morning. Our high was only 68. Now that may not sound cold to some of y'all, but for most down here it is a bit chilly. Especially when it was over 95 just a few days ago.

Before anyone chides me for having thin skin let me realte that I pastored in Kansas for a while. In Kansas there is nothing between you and the North Pole but a couple of strands of barbed wire. I well remember days of -30F with 25-30mph winds. Thank God I'm back in his country- Dixie!
Originally posted by LawrenceUBefore anyone chides me for having thin skin let me realte that I pastored in Kansas for a while. In Kansas there is nothing between you and the North Pole but a couple of strands of barbed wire. I well remember days of -30F with 25-30mph winds. Thank God I'm back in his country- Dixie!

Location: Kansas

I like all four seasons...although, snow becomes less and less enjoyable as I get older.
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