Church logo swag?

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Puritan Board Freshman
My church has recently announced that they will have church logo swag available on Sunday - free "stuff" and other things for members to purchase (shirts and mugs?). I can't really articulate why I find it so...demeaning? Like we are taking a nose-dive into frivolous stupidity? Maybe I am way off base and being an old fuddy-duddy Get Off My Lawn church member. I haven't had a chance to talk to my elder yet, so that's my first step, but I am wondering if maybe I find it upsetting simply because I don't like change? Maybe I am imagining a slow progression to worship with stage lights and smoke machines?
I would oppose it on the grounds that the 4th commandment prohibits unnecessary commerce on the Lord's Day. The church should not be buying and selling on the Lord's Day nor encouraging it's members to.
I agree with Andrew about opposing the sake of any such merchandise on the Lord's Day as a violation of the 4th Commandment. That's the biggest problem with the plan. I would definitely recommend talking to your elders about that, at least (respectfully, of course). Since you're in a PCA church, that ought to matter to your Session.

But that leaves open the question of whether or not the move constitutes, as you put it, "frivolous stupidity." I'm not quite sure that it is inherently demeaning and/or frivolous. My personal opinion (and that's all this really amounts to) is that it depends on (1) motive and (2) execution. I can imagine potentially valid reasons to have items available with the church's name and/or logo, but other reasons that are just silly. And even with a good motive, it needs to be well-executed to accomplish its purpose.
While my initial reaction negative, outreach (or evangelistic outreach) is just marketing. And church branded material can create openings for conversation both about your church (you want new members, don't you) and religion in general.

Better than walking up to a stranger and asking "Have you heard the four spiritual laws"
My church has recently announced that they will have church logo swag available on Sunday - free "stuff" and other things for members to purchase (shirts and mugs?).

Personally, I loathe church merch. In my opinion it's mostly a marketing and branding gimmick unique to the American Church.
I suppose there could be a way to do it well. But generally, I doubt that embracing the culture of merch is a wise way to show that the church is an utterly different and more glorious community that what you find in the world.
I tend to agree that church merch is generally a bad idea which feeds into commercialized and consumeristic conceptions of the church. I don't think this means any and every form of something involving a church logo is evil (giving every new member a sticker is not the same as having t-shirts screen-printed on a Sunday morning), but I do think we should be far more cautious/skeptical than we tend to be.
Agree with the marketing and branding concerns. Our job is to promote Jesus and the glory of God, not our local churches as if they were some kind of business. Local churches rise and fall and are completely fallible. Let’s put pur energy into proclaiming the pure, glorious, and infallible King of kings and Lord of lords.
This is the first time I have heard of church merch. We don’t even have a logo.

One of our members proposed a book table to sell wholesome books. My response was, “like selling turtle doves and making change in the temple? What would Jesus do?”
One of our members proposed a book table to sell wholesome books. My response was, “like selling turtle doves and making change in the temple? What would Jesus do?
Is there another source for solid Reformed material in town?

This is the first time I have heard of church merch. We don’t even have a logo.
If you ever get to the Metroplex, I'll be happy to take you over to the local non-reformed Baptist megachurch and get you a tour. Meanwhile, this will give you an idea of some of their merchandise. No, can't link. 2nd Commandment violations on the box for the 500 piece glitter jigsaw puzzle and the gold wall cross nativity. The clothing section looks OK - no images on the pink Jesus it's your birthday Tshirt. And the page for various sock styles has no violations either. The Texas themed gifts are even better. I don't think they have any religious content. Their 140 acre campus has a football stadium, a baseball stadium, a food court, and a gym. And, of course, the store. They don't have as much retail at their other locations.
Not even the biggies are alone on that. I've seen small-moderate church swag that would make the most shameless small businesses blush:

Fawn'd of Jesus T-shirts with a big deer rack in the middle is just one example.

Re: church book tables and stores, I'm strongly of the view it needs to be at cost or even subsidized if it's going to exist and be sold on Sundays. Still don't like it but understand the rationale and benefit to the members/broader community as long as there's not profit/fundraising coming from it. And it needs to be very well-curated, especially with regard to error.
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I preached yesterday in my church logo emblazoned polo shirt. (You cannot buy it... you are issued one when you become an officer at my church.)
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