Context Group

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Puritan Board Freshman
the context group bibliography
via vector:

in particular:

"I guess everyone's finished with this thread. I just leave by noting that I have deSilva's Introduction to the New Testament, left over from my NT intro class, in which he discusses the patronage relationship as a model for understanding the biblical relationship between God and believer. (DeSilva is the writer Holding leans most heavily upon in the article you cited.) I agree with him that it's an extremely helpful metaphor for keeping our relationship with God in its proper terms and context (i.e. letting God be God).

DeSilva also adds a twist on that model- namely that for the biblical writers (and Luke in particular), Jesus is seen as the broker of the patronage relationship. "

i'm curious if anyone has read in this field?
it's the first time i've run across it.
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