Do You Write in Your Bible?

Do You Write in Your Bible?

  • Always

    Votes: 17 20.7%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • Used to, but don't anymore

    Votes: 19 23.2%
  • Rarely, only if I hear or read something remarkable about a biblical passage

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • I only make notes from what I hear in a sermon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I only make notes from my own study of the Word

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters
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Nope. I use a small Moleskine notebook.More room, and I can have a different "focus" each time.:2cents:
I write in my Bible, but also keep a journal for personal bible studies, where I can go back and read my thoughts...who knows maybe one day after I'm dead my kids will read them...if they do, they will know more about my spiritual walk and how God has grown me over the years, and they will see that ANYTHING they go through in their own lives...God will be able to use, and grow them closer to Him...

They will learn how various verses ministered to my heart during trying times and see my praises to God..even through some of it, and they will see how through it all God was answering many of my I write down how I see God working through a situation, and am reminded of a certain prayer I prayed...I write it out...God I see how this is a direct answer to such and such a prayer...WOW!! and the praises start flowing....

Many of the notes in my bible are my own paraphrase of the verse...and how it applies to me...while other notes I have are when I read various books and then when I'm reading my bible I come across a verse that covers that topic...a perfect example was from when I read the book Boundaries,
and later reading through my bible I came across verses that spoke of God's boundaries for us as His children...and I made notes about how it applies to setting boundaries in my own life...
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