Puritan Board Junior
Originally posted by C. Matthew McMahon
On fossil strata and so forth . . .
A cataclysmic event (i.e. the Flood) could create everything you see "with age" in a matter of, say, 40 days.
With respect, you are way off base. There is no possible way (of which I am aware) that the distribution of fossils could be caused by a worldwide flood (or any other cataclysmic event). Your theory was touted quite a while back by Henry Morris, and is not remotely tenable. Of course, God can do what He wants. But if the fossil layers were distributed in the flood, then God intentionally miraculously made them lay out in such a way that it would emphatically appear impossible that they were laid out in the flood. In other words, one would have to assume that God worked a miracle in order to deceive us.
It would be a possibility if there was a moderately heterogeneous distribution of fossils. But they are not at all heterogeneous. You never find elephant bones in the same layer as T-Rex bones. You never find mouse fossils at the same layers as dinosaur fossils. You never find dolphin fossils at the same layers as trilobyte fossils.
Simply put:
The distribution of fossils is utterly impossible to explain by means of a worldwide flood.
If you want to argue against evolution, great. But please do not use arguments such as this one. Bad science does nothing to help our cause. It just makes people laugh at us (and rightfully so, in this case).
[Edited on 3-8-2006 by biblelighthouse]