Help with Baby's middle name

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Mindy is right, Damaris is very pretty. I t5hink I've read a sermon of Spurgeon's called "a woman named Damaris" in which he drew out all the beautiful implications of the little we're told about her

I would love to read that.
Mindy is right, Damaris is very pretty. I t5hink I've read a sermon of Spurgeon's called "a woman named Damaris" in which he drew out all the beautiful implications of the little we're told about her

I would love to read that.
Hi Mindy - just looked it up. I read it in the collection titled "Classic Counsels",- see the bottom of this page.
I've only just discovered how to do a proper link like that. I've been waiting for an opportunity to do it!
Caleb Gideon Heeb
Great names but alas, Caleb means dog and I believe Gideon meabs stumpy hand?

Lydia Joy/ Hope/ Faith Anderson
Hi Kristine! Octavia would be very cool if it turns out to be daughter number eight! My daughters are Alethea (Truth) and Helen (Light) I love those names.

God gave names of signifigence to many bible characters. I think the meanings we give do matter.
When my grandson Caleb was around 3 yrs old I asked him if he knew anything about his namesake Caleb in the bible.
His response was,'Yes Oma, be believed God'. He has a real special name to live up to and is now 17 and definitely appears to be a God honoring young man. I'm so thankful! His middle name is Michael. I think it has a real ring to it, Caleb Michael!!

It has a great meaning. It sounds cool. It will open many doors for him.
I have a brother-in-law called Eugene - it was a family name on my husband's side. I wouldn't go for it - he'd spend all his time having to explain whether he was pronounced You-JEAN or YOU-jean. Or sometimes even his own family would wrangle over which was correct. He would get called Huge for short (or something as near as makes no matter) - or Jean which would invite teasing...all of these things have befallen previous Eugenes. Finally, in some circles it is (like Theresa or Dominic or Benedict or Bernadette) a quite distinctively Catholic name :(
Apologies if you meant that it was your own middle name, Lawrence! :)

Yep, that's my middle name. It runs for generations in my family. My father actually is called by Eugene, thus I am called by Lawrence. NOT LARRY!! I taught more than one twit that my name was Lawrence when I was growing up. Actually, my nick name to some family members is Lawrie / Laurie. Something about my roots being from a hilly place that has lots of heather and hairy cows. :)
i wan't a cool middle name for my Boy who is due in November

Caleb ______ Heeb

so far i have for possibilities:

Caleb Turretin Heeb
Caleb Augustine Heeb
Caleb Jericho Heeb

any other suggestions you guys seem to have creative ones.
Forget cool names. Use your own name as the child's middle name, as I did for my own son. ;)

Just wanted to say thanks for the suggestions and after discussing w/ hubby we are not even going to go w/ Lydia for a girl. We have both a boy and girl name set now though, but it is a secret for now. :D
Caleb means faithful. What about a name about Christ?
I like Caleb Ransom (one of my own sons' middle names), though I don't really want it to get popular...I know, no threat there!
So his name could mean we have a faithful ransom.
Caleb -dog, faithful - same difference.

Remember who was only one of two from the original generation of the exodus to enter the Promised Land? Caleb. Nice name, that!

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