Help me name my baby!

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Here are my picks: :)

For a girl:

Hannah means "favored of God"
Constance means "steadfast"
Isabella means "consecrated to God" or "God is my oath"

For a boy:

Joshua means "Jehovah saves" or "God rescues"
Jeremiah means "exalted by Yahweh" or "appointed by Yahweh"
Joel means "the Lord is God"
We use only family names. So my suggestion is to look up your family tree.

My kids are;

Cameron (mums maiden name),

William Andrew (both great great g-dads)

Helen Diana (great- & regular grandmothers)

Alexander James (5 great G-father & every second man on my paternal side)

Emma Jane (great grandmothers)
We only use Bible names, but here's my $.02:

Boy - Kevin
Girl - Kevina

Keep an open mind.

Also, :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Another covenant child; what a blessing!!!
I like Charity better than Chastity (the latter will sound strange though still true after the girl marries). I like Tolkien's names: Arwen, Galadriel, and Eowyn. Or, you could go with Lewis, I suppose: Aravis, Lucy, Susan (probably not naming one after the apostate Susan).

For boys (and girls), I tend to like English names. We went with James and Edmund so far (both of which we really like). There is also Edward.

Congratulations Perg!

For a girl: Hannah, Christine, Helga, or Andrea

For a boy: Hans, Johannes, Isaac, or Holgar.

Would be some of my suggestions.


Congratulations! Perg!

For a boy, how about Malachi (it means Messenger)? A fitting name with the hope that he would follow in his parents footsteps.

And for a girl, I've always liked the name Tabitha.

Again, congratulations!
A boy should have a vigorous, adaptable name. Alaric Owen is the answer. If he likes to be unusual, he can be unusual. If he wants to be a little unusual, but not too much he can go by Owen. If he wants to be drop-dead boring he can go by "Al" or "Rick". Plus you can combine a reference to John Owen, Owen Thomas and Owen Glendower all in one. The Alaric tells people you read P.G. Wodehouse.
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Add Athanasius to my list.

Conan and Rambo also sadly got vetoed.

Chastity, Sobriety, Punctuality, Cleanliness, and Tolerance all are out as possible "Virtue Names"....

Some names of early martyrs might be good.

Names should mean something.
Any help? Anyone think of any virtue names or good names for children. We get bored easy, so Joe or John is out (especially since our last names are quite too common).

:think: We need to think more outside the box. Let's go more ethnic. Why not Japanese?

For a girl
Nozomi: hope
Kohana: little flower
Aoi: hollyhock, or blue (as in color)

For a boy:
Yasuo: peaceful one
Katsuo: victory, or manly
Kiyoshi: pure

Or just stick to non-traditional names and spell them using katakana. So instead of simply "Grace", it'll be "Gureisu". Like this site demonstrates.

Either way, the one activity you can rely on as parent and child is you can both learn how to spell the name in kanji and hiragana ;)
I never met a kid yet with a wierd name who didn't resent it. "Love does not draw attention to itself". I wouldn't go too off the charts on the unique scale.

I'm sure you've met some with common names, though, who did resent it. And if not, you have now: this Jessica Lynn was not a big fan of being one of many Jessica Lynns in her classes. Especially in middle school when you aren't sure who you are.

I like Jessica now, since I've learned that it means God beholds.

Name suggestions:
Tobiah (can be called Tobey) = The Lord is Good
Evangeline= Good news/bearer of good news
I have a friend named Silence. But she is anything but.

And it is rough when you are calling here in a crowd, it would be like naming a kid Fire. Then yelling in a crowd for the kid to come.

Did you really think you would get anything productive from this group of nuts??

I think you should do it the old way. Put Baby John doe on the Birth Cert and then watch him for a few months till you can see his character then name him or her.

But Felicia would be way better than felicitas, please don't do that to her.

Daniel is a good boys name. With Dads for a middle or grampas.

It depends how many you are planing on. You can always go with the Rebecca Rachel Ruth etc. system,

And if you really want a quality girls name, Repentance

I strongly agree you go with a name you can find on a pencil or key chain because this is vital to growing up that you can find your name on some art form so you feel like you are not an alien.

We have a grandaughter named Saray. Bet you can't pronounce it any better than her friends or teachers. ITs horrid to do this to a kids.
How bout Jonathan Edward if it is a boy? I also like Joshua, Justice, Jeremiah, Joel, Jedediah, Joseph, James, Jonah (on second thought, not Jonah), or John Mark.

If it's a girl, how about Jessica, Josephine, or Jennifer? Or you could vary from the "J" theme and go with Isabella, Dakota, Ember, Elizabeth, Rachel, Shayla, Victoria (Tori), Mary Faith, or Alice?

You could also go old school. If it's a boy, name him after my favorite fictional character: Weatherby. If it's a girl, name her Basemath.
I strongly agree you go with a name you can find on a pencil or key chain because this is vital to growing up that you can find your name on some art form so you feel like you are not an alien.

My name is Mindy and as a kid we never found anything with my name on it. I am not scarred for life. My daughter Leah never finds anything with her name on it and she is one of the happiest kids I know. Her name means something to me and she knows it. We have a daughter named Julia and never find anything but Julie, she isn't scarred either. Name your kid what you like and when they have their own kids they can name them what they want. That is what I tell my kids. The best advice I ever got is that if you are going to name your kid William, don't call him Bill. If you like Bill, then name him Bill. No one ever calls me by my "real" name and when they do I don't know they are talking to me, so what was the point in naming me Melinda?
Abigail (The father's joy) Rose

Catherine (Pure)

Renae (reborn)


Aedán (Little fire)

Adriel (Followers of God)

Carey (Well loved)

Charles (free man)

Hezekiah (Power from God)

Iain (God is gracious)

Ian (God is forgiving)
Muhammed, Abdullah, Aden, Aisha, Tyrone, Shanikwah, Tariq, Kibo, Daquan, Nairobi, Alaknanda, Amrapali, Raj, Akasuki, Bachiko, Bong-cha, Chin-sun, Choon-hee, Dao-ming, Kwang-soon... hey, you're not white, are you?
I noticed it David. I just didn't have time to reply yet.

"Seven of [insert your last name here]" :D

Also, lists the meanings of many names from many different cultures; I use it sometimes to get name ideas for characters.
Ooh! I love naming, especially using unique names...

Boy -Gareth, Aric, Oern, Hosea, Ephraim, Eamonn, Valor
Girl - Naphtali, Augustine, Genievieve, Edda, Anneth, Veda, Honor

These also would work for middle names when paired with more traditional/conventional names. Congrats on the new/coming covenant blessing!

I have a nephew named Valor Athanasius, which I think flows nicely.
Gideon would be a wonderful name for a boy,I would love to have another boy and name him Gideon.I think you should consider it,either way Praise God for another baby!:banana:

I would like Anna for a girl I love the old fashioned Biblical names!
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