Help with Toronto

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Ladies and gents,

I know that a number of you are from north of the border. You may be able to help me. I am planning a two to three day trip to Toronto for the summertime. I will not be driving. The only place I am sure I will be visiting is the Ontario Vital Records Archives on the campus of York University. Besides that, my schedule is open. Therefore, I have three main questions:

1) Do you know of any cheap places to stay within or in VERY close proximity to the city?

2) What is the best/cheapest way to get around the city? Is there a bus system that could be easily accessed by someone just looking to use it for a couple of days?

3) What are the can't-miss places to visit in Toronto?
That truly is a tall order. Toronto is a very large city and the U of T is what we call downtown. Travel to and from there to the extremities of the city where things are 'cheaper' cost you time, time to travel. Public transit is good, but it still costs you time.

For me I would stay at the closest hotel to the U of T and use public transit to get to restaurants, shows, plays, CN tower, let google be your guide. What you like and what I like may differ. You could also try bed and breakfast as a price saving option. Sutton Place hotel is close to the U of T and the museum a zillion shops and restaurants etc.)

Can't miss: CN Tower, Toronto Museum, Yorkville (close to U of T) Toronto Zoo, Science Center, Theaters and Plays, how many months do you have? LOL. I probably confused you but hopefully gave you some food for thought.
You are flying in? One airport is downtown and the other well NW of the city.

York University is about a 30 minute drive north from downtown. The subway and bus will get you to the school. The subway system will get you most anywhere in the city, except for York University...

What interests you?
Will be arriving by bus (megabus). They drop off at the Toronto Bus Terminal, which is just south of University of Toronto apparently.

My interests are mainly historical. Anything old or things where I can learn about the history of the city would be great.

Alright, so subway then bus may be my best option to reach York University? Can I get an estimate on travel time to reach York University?
Also, you can use to find a decent hotel in close proximity to where you are staying. My brother always does that when he's going to T.O. - it is cheaper (and better quality) than the other options, unless you have a family to stay with. You're welcome to stay here, but Toronto is about 1 1/2 hours away (just a wee bit of a commute) and getting by the Ford plant in Oakville on the QEW is a daily test of Christian patience.

BTW, Fort York is cool, as is the ROM (and you missed the Dead Sea scrolls by not that many months there), but I live in Hagersville, so there are likely some real gems that I have no clue about.
York University is about a 30 minute drive north from downtown.

I'd estimate just under an hour to be safe from downtown by subway and bus.

Wow, Kent! You are good! This site TTC Trip Planner puts it as a 31 minute drive, and 58 minutes by city transportation. You really know the city well.

you missed the Dead Sea scrolls by not that many months there

Sorry to hear that Kevin. What exactly is the ROM?

Also, what is the significance of Fort York? Forgive an ignorant Yankee.
Certain things I know. Where to stay at a lower rate I have no clue, have never thought about it.

PM when you get to town for a coffee or lunch if I'm in town.
Also, what is the significance of Fort York? Forgive an ignorant Yankee.

Consider yourself forgiven. ;)

It was built to defend Upper Canada from the dastardly Americans, and when it was overrun, the Brits and Canadian militia blew up the ammo depot, killing several hundred Americans in an explosion that was heard in Niagara on the Lake, about 60 miles away.
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I personally would stay close to downtown is possible, where most of the attractions are. York U is out of the way. make sure you get a TTC day pass for each day you'll be in the Greater Toronto Area. You only get 90 mins per trip, and no double backing. From the airport, i believe there are buses that will take you to Eglinton station, then head south by subway about 15 mins and you're downtown.
If you do find yourself on the University of Toronto's main campus (St. George), you may want to check out Crux Books, situated within Wycliffe College (U of T's evangelical Anglican seminary) -- a short walk from the ROM and the Museum subway station. It's a discount theological bookstore, new and used stuff, including a fair amount of Reformed material (the store is currently managed by a young Reformed Baptist brother, Ronnie Jawdi). Be sure to ask them to let you upstairs for (most of) the used books.

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------

... I live in Hagersville...

Small world. My grandmother lives in Hagersville. I spent a lot of time there during the summers as a kid (swimming at the quarry and whatnot), and I still visit every few weeks or so.
Thanks guys for the advice. The Toronto Transit Authority website was great in helping me figure how I will reach York University (the whole reason I am going to Toronto in the first place). Walk a couple minutes from the Bus Terminal to a subway station. Get off subway 31 minutes later and board a bus that will drop me off right at York University. Doesn't seem too bad at all. Estimated time is 58 minutes.

Reformed Thomist,
I will most definitely attempt to track down this bookstore. Thanks for the heads up!

Another thing, and it may sound silly, will the subway/bus system accept my American money?
We'll see what US currency is worth by then....

1 US dollar = 0.9521 Canadian dollars

Hey, hey, no need for the cheap shot! Maybe I'll take my American money elsewhere!:p

(Honestly, Canadians, will that work in the Transit system?)
Small world. My grandmother lives in Hagersville. I spent a lot of time there during the summers as a kid (swimming at the quarry and whatnot), and I still visit every few weeks or so.

Very cool! We're the second farm on the left after the No Frills right on Hwy 6 (there's a big red barn with a green roof and a red brick farmhouse). Come and visit when you're in town - PM me for phone and street number if you're interested.
If you do find yourself on the University of Toronto's main campus (St. George), you may want to check out Crux Books, situated within Wycliffe College (U of T's evangelical Anglican seminary) -- a short walk from the ROM and the Museum subway station. It's a discount theological bookstore, new and used stuff, including a fair amount of Reformed material (the store is currently managed by a young Reformed Baptist brother, Ronnie Jawdi). Be sure to ask them to let you upstairs for (most of) the used books.

As it is payday I just may find myself at this establishment over the lunch hour.


[oops limited access to used books today... :doh: ]
No brother, US cash only works in border towns like Vancouver. But the machines (subway token machines, phones, pop/candy machines) may take your coins - no promises though ... what with better technology these days.

I also recommend Crux books, especially upstairs. I sold a bunch of good books there before leaving Toronto (more like, 'gave it away'!)
I never visit TO without a trip to chinatown & the Kensington Market. I enjoy just walking downtown Young St, Queen St both have alot of interesting places. Plus since it is Canada it is pretty safe for walking.

If you make it to Chinatown try the "House of Gourmet seafood & Bar-BQ" odd name, but great food & cheap prices especially at "Tea Time".
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