I got Edwards' 2 vol. works from BoT -- where should I be cautious?

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Clark cites sources:
I'm failing to see the pantheism in this Edwards quote. Edwards talks about his ideas of "divine light" often; for example, in his sermon A Divine and Supernatural Light. That sermon, and not "neoplatonic philosophy," is the proper context in which to understand this quote.

"In the creature’s knowing, esteeming, loving, rejoicing in, and praising God, the glory of God is both exhibited and acknowledged; his fullness is received and returned.
It is received by faith and the Holy Spirit; it is returned by gratitude, as expressed in faith, prayer, and adoration.
Here is both an emanation and remanation. The refulgence shines upon and into the creature, and is reflected back to the luminary.
God's gifts and graces are received, and man returns freewill offerings of thanks and praise unto God.

So that the whole is of God, and in God, and to God;
This is a paraphrase of Rom. 11:36, "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things:"

God is the beginning, middle and end in this affair.
"This affair" being salvation. It seems Edwards is a monergist.
I was wondering about the 'The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia' (Erdmans) - what do people think of its contribution to Jonathan Edwards studies. I see that George Marsden wrote the forward.
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