Jude 1:14

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Scott Bushey

Puritanboard Commissioner
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, – Jude 1:14 KJV

Poole on Jude 1:14

These men own the prophecy of Enoch, that the Lord comes to judgment, and they themselves are in the number of those ungodly ones, and they to whom the prophecy is to be applied. Of these; not that he did directly and expressly prophesy of them in particular; but that his prophecy of the destruction of the world for the same kind of crimes whereof they were guilty, did reach them, and so he foretold what should befall them as well as others.

M. Henry:

Of the prophecy of Enoch, (v. 14, 15) we have no mention made in any other part or place of scripture; yet now it is scripture that there was such prophecy. One plain text of scripture is proof enough of any one point that we are required to believe, especially when relating to a matter of fact; but in matters of faith, necessary saving faith, God has not seen fit (blessed be his holy name he has not) to try us so far. There is no fundamental article of the Christian religion, truly so called, which is not inculcated over and over in the New Testament, by which we may know on what the Holy Ghost does, and consequently on what we ought, to lay the greatest stress. Some say that this prophecy of Enoch was preserved by tradition in the Jewish church; others that the apostle Jude was immediately inspired with the notice of it: be this as it may, it is certain that there was such a prophecy of ancient date, of long standing, and universally received in the Old-Testament church; and it is a main point of our New-Testament creed


14. And Enoch also. I rather think that this prophecy was unwritten, than that it was taken from an apocryphal book; for it may have been delivered down by memory to posterity by the ancients. Were any one to ask, that since similar sentences occur in many parts of Scripture, why did he not quote a testimony written by one of the prophets? the answer is obvious, that he wished to repeat from the oldest antiquity what the Spirit had pronounced respecting them: and this is what the words intimate; for he says expressly that he was the seventh from Adam, in order to commend the antiquity of the prophecy, because it existed in the world before the flood.
But I have said that this prophecy was known to the Jews by being reported; but if any one thinks otherwise, I will not contend with him, nor, indeed, respecting the epistle itself, whether it be that of Jude or of some other. In things doubtful, I only follow what seems probable.

I am encouraged that these 3 accomplished men give credence to Jude's citation of Enoch.
And as is often the case, Calvin rocks, suggesting a plausible reason why Jude decided to cite Enoch and how this can encourage us to trust God.
I remember a message by Douglas Kelly, in treating Jude and his references to Enoch. He pointed out that while the attribution in vv14-15 is to the extra-canonical writing, the text itself actually quotes Moses, Dt.33:2, "The Lord came from Sinai,... and he came with ten thousands of saints."

and compare "the 7th from Adam" by Seth (Gen.5:21-24), with the 7th from Adam by Cain (Gen.4:23-24), Lamech, whose "hard speeches" were truly against the Lord, against whom Enoch as the godly witness of his generation would certainly have prophesied in contradiction.

Calvin and the others may be exactly correct, but even when some tradition is referenced by Jude in v9, re. Michael and the body of Moses, again the words that are put in the mouth are canonical Scripture, Zech.3:2.

We should allow for the faithful interpretation that understands Jude to credit truth from the pen of an uninspired writer, just as Paul avers to the truth of certain Greek poets, when they are consistent with Scripture. One is not necessarily doubting the veracity of the text, if he thinks the Holy Spirit's intent is not to acknowledge an otherwise unknown (to the OT) prophecy.
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