Local Food?

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Sour and spicy are the flavors in my part of the world. Here's a sour fish hotpot we had a few weeks ago, the local specialty.

it works like this: you go to a fish tank in the restaurant and select your fish. The butcher nets it, then chops it up in front of you and stuffs it in a metal bowl filled with odds and ends in a tomato-and-vinegar based broth.

The bowl is brought to your table and set on a hotplate, where it cooks for about 8 minutes. At this point, it is ready to go.
The flavor is a bit like Thai tom yam, if you're familiar with that. Not bad.
We've got a great dish called gravy 'n' biscuits. It's basically biscuits with gravy on them. It's great.

The way I learned to make biscuits from my Aunt in Mississippi when I was in my early teens ... Dump some self rising flour in a mixing bowl (eyeball it rather than measure it) Take a handful of Crisco and knead it into the flour thoroughly. Make a crater in the center with your fingers, pour water/milk in the crater and, using your hand, mix the melange until you have a dough of proper consistency. (I know it when I see it) Put a piece of tin foil on your baking sheet and ... can't remember whether to mist dry flour, or to put a thin coat of grease to prevent sticking, but form the biscuits with your fingers and space them out on the sheet, leaving room between them for rising/expansion. Bake in an oven @ 350 until browned on the top.
<laughs>Since my mother taught me to clean my plate regardless of what God provided for a meal, I have been able to happily eat whatever cuisine is offered in any country I visit or live in. Tripe, head cheese, silk worm larvae, dog soup, raw octopus, burdock roots, jello salad...
Here in southeastern Washington I don't think there is a local dish, as it were.

Maybe smoked steelhead or roasted elk. We do have the biggest wheat-producing county in the US (the signs say so, at least) north across the river from us, but I don't know of any particular local bread except for our homemade stuff, and that recipe came from Montana.

But there are plenty of fast food joints across the river in Idaho. I'm thinking we might be lacking in imaginative heritage.
As mentioned above, our best known “oddity” is Cincinnati style chili. To enjoy it properly forget that it’s called chili. It bears no resemblance to what is normally associated with that word. It’s better described as a Mediterranean spiced meat sauce, usually used as a topping for spaghetti or coneys. Most out-of-towners either love it or hate it. Goetta is another local favorite. And of course, sausage and beer (large German population).
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