Don Kistler
Puritan Board Sophomore
"A Discourse of Regeneration, Faith, and Repentance" by Thomas Cole, 1628-1697, is our newest offering. I was unfamiliar with this Puritan before I edited this work, and now he has jumped up my list of favorite Puritans to be among the top five.
This hardcover book is nearly 300 pages in length. The retail price is $28. Your price is $20 plus shipping costs. I expect this book in mid-February. But the shopping cart is ready to take orders now. This is a limited edition reprint of a scarce Puritan work.
To order go to:,_Faith_and_Repentance.html#/
Here is the table of contents:
1. The Author of Regeneration
2. The Subjects of Regeneration
3. The Means of Regeneration
4. The Manner of Regeneration
5. The Time of Regeneration
6. The End of Regeneration
7. The Scripture Marks and Signs of Regeneration
8. A Discourse of Faith in Two Points
9. A Discourse of Repentance
1. How It May Convincingly Appear that Those Who Think It an Easy Matter to Believe Are Yet Destitute
Of Saving Faith
2. How We May Steer an Even Course Between Between Presumption and Despair
3. How May the Well Discharge of Our Present Duty Give Us Assurance of Help from God for the Well
Discharge of All Future Duties
4. The Incomprehensibleness of Imputed Righteousness for Justification by Human Reason Till Enlightened by the Spirit of God
5. The Old Apostolic Way of Preaching
This hardcover book is nearly 300 pages in length. The retail price is $28. Your price is $20 plus shipping costs. I expect this book in mid-February. But the shopping cart is ready to take orders now. This is a limited edition reprint of a scarce Puritan work.
To order go to:,_Faith_and_Repentance.html#/
Here is the table of contents:
1. The Author of Regeneration
2. The Subjects of Regeneration
3. The Means of Regeneration
4. The Manner of Regeneration
5. The Time of Regeneration
6. The End of Regeneration
7. The Scripture Marks and Signs of Regeneration
8. A Discourse of Faith in Two Points
9. A Discourse of Repentance
1. How It May Convincingly Appear that Those Who Think It an Easy Matter to Believe Are Yet Destitute
Of Saving Faith
2. How We May Steer an Even Course Between Between Presumption and Despair
3. How May the Well Discharge of Our Present Duty Give Us Assurance of Help from God for the Well
Discharge of All Future Duties
4. The Incomprehensibleness of Imputed Righteousness for Justification by Human Reason Till Enlightened by the Spirit of God
5. The Old Apostolic Way of Preaching