Owen Chadwick (1916-2015)

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Puritan Board Doctor
The English church historian, Owen Chadwick, died last Friday, aged 99. What is now his last book, The Early Reformation on the Continent, was published in 2002.

The English New Testament scholar, Charles E. B. Cranford, author of the near-legendary two-volume commentary on Romans, died last March, also at 99.

Two at 99 - this is getting to be a trend...
Thanks, Richard. I've used Owen Chadwick many times and have assigned his brother Henry's book on The Early Church for years.

A bit of a correction on the NT scholar: it's C.E.B. Cranfield.

Thanks, Richard. I've used Owen Chadwick many times and have assigned his brother Henry's book on The Early Church for years.

A bit of a correction on the NT scholar: it's C.E.B. Cranfield.


Yes, Alan, you're correct. All I can say is, when I decide to make a boo-boo, I make it an obvious one! Thanks for the correction!

By the way, what do you think of brother Henry's translation of Augustine's Confessions, if you've read it?

Thank you for informing me of Owen Chadwick's death; he was certainly one of the leading ecclesiastical historians of this age.
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