The "Like" Button on PuritanBoard

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I don't 'like' when I'm debating somebody and their posts get liked. It kinda hurts my feelings. Other than that I don't care.
I personally don't enjoy the dynamic that rating systems introduce into social media. The "Like"'s and "Amen"'s become a popularity rating system, even if not intended that way. You rate other people's opinions by it, and you end up rating your own by it.

Not that forums reflect real-life conversations anyway, but the Like system adds another layer of artificiality in the dynamic. As a contrast, I've never been in a real-life discussion where we've exchanged opinions, and you are surrounded by semi/non-participants who will give a thumbs up, an audible amen, or a frowny face after everything you or others speak. People have the sense to keep quiet because it'd be boorish to do this. It'd be tragic if you were one who, every time they came into a conversation, found yourself "out-liked" or out-"Amen"'d by others.

Yes, online is different and the dynamic is different, but we don't stop being communing creatures when we log in. The social dynamic is still real, and we still act as social creatures. Medium does not change that.

And yes, this isn't Facebook--PB is by far more edifying--and we have the Spirit to deal with things in a way that the world can't, though nonetheless there is good reason that grave concerns have been expressed by pastors and sociologists alike about social media rating systems--because there is a real and palpable downside, and it does have real impact.

As time goes on, I find value in saying less, and hearing less. It's not wise to give a "Like" every time you do like something, and it's sometimes good to be ignorant of what others think.
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