The Mormons

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Following my previous article about the Jehovah's Witnesses (See the thread Here), I have written a follow up article on the Mormons (Here). We have both JW's and Mormons present on our small town, Stornoway.

What dealings have any of you had with the Mormons? Are there any Mormon converts in your churches? If so, are they considered by the Mormons to have committed the unforgiveable sin, thought by some Mormons to be apostasy from the Mormon Church?
I've worked with a couple of Mormons over the years, and I've found them fine folks to deal with. I've let them know that I know enough about Mormonism that they generally leave me alone (and I leave them alone) on theology at work. Did have a brief, pleasant, exchange about the year's supply of food after paychecks picked back up after the Covid slowdown.
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