Puritan Board Freshman
Good day, PB!
Three quick baptism questions.
1) I heard the argument for credo-baptism that whenever crowds are exhorted to turn to Jesus Christ, they are tole to "repent and be baptized," or "believe and be baptized." That is to say, belief and repentance always precedes baptism.
Upon hearing that, I instantly thought, "But were they not talking unto unsaved hearers? Of course you would not baptize someone who had never heard the Gospel, and then convert them!" Plus, were not whole households baptized? This argument struck me as weak (and I'm one who for my whole life was taught that paedo-baptism was evil).
2) What's up with baptism by sprinkling or pouring? I'm no expert on New Testament Greek (I just have a dictionary or two), but does not the word 'baptizo' mean to immerse/dunk/what have you? (I'm not sure how common it is amoung reformed churches, but the WCF is not against sprinkling)
3) May un-ordained men/women baptize? If not, why not? I cannot find a verse stating a limitation on who may baptize.
Please and thank you
Three quick baptism questions.
1) I heard the argument for credo-baptism that whenever crowds are exhorted to turn to Jesus Christ, they are tole to "repent and be baptized," or "believe and be baptized." That is to say, belief and repentance always precedes baptism.
Upon hearing that, I instantly thought, "But were they not talking unto unsaved hearers? Of course you would not baptize someone who had never heard the Gospel, and then convert them!" Plus, were not whole households baptized? This argument struck me as weak (and I'm one who for my whole life was taught that paedo-baptism was evil).
2) What's up with baptism by sprinkling or pouring? I'm no expert on New Testament Greek (I just have a dictionary or two), but does not the word 'baptizo' mean to immerse/dunk/what have you? (I'm not sure how common it is amoung reformed churches, but the WCF is not against sprinkling)
3) May un-ordained men/women baptize? If not, why not? I cannot find a verse stating a limitation on who may baptize.
Please and thank you