Two Very Different Websites

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there is another EXCELLENT one... I want their shirt for Christmas....
Abortion Unfiltered...

warning... if you have young children in the room please do not open this link. It automatically starts a video with footage of the realities of abortion... It changed my life forever... very good... but NOT for young ones.
BTW... this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart... my little sister was pressured to have a late term abort by family members because of her age and the colour of the young mans skin.... sick isn't it.... after the fervent prayers of people, actually people all over the world, God made a literal miracle happen... when she went to get the late term abortion the nurse did an ultrasound and told her that she was too far along.... she came back home and went to a pregnancy center.... upon her next visit to a different doctor they told her that she was not as far a long as the other doctor said and that she could have had the abortion but by then she had found an adopted family and couldn't!!!!! God had either confused the dr. or had made the baby appear older than he was... Shawn is now a healthy ALIVE baby by... who, though I'll never see him again... he is out there with a christian family.... praise be to GOD!
BTW... this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart... my little sister was pressured to have a late term abort by family members because of her age and the colour of the young mans skin.... sick isn't it.... after the fervent prayers of people, actually people all over the world, God made a literal miracle happen... when she went to get the late term abortion the nurse did an ultrasound and told her that she was too far along.... she came back home and went to a pregnancy center.... upon her next visit to a different doctor they told her that she was not as far a long as the other doctor said and that she could have had the abortion but by then she had found an adopted family and couldn't!!!!! God had either confused the dr. or had made the baby appear older than he was... Shawn is now a healthy ALIVE baby by... who, though I'll never see him again... he is out there with a christian family.... praise be to GOD!

Praise God!!
BTW... this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart... my little sister was pressured to have a late term abort by family members because of her age and the colour of the young mans skin.... sick isn't it.... after the fervent prayers of people, actually people all over the world, God made a literal miracle happen... when she went to get the late term abortion the nurse did an ultrasound and told her that she was too far along.... she came back home and went to a pregnancy center.... upon her next visit to a different doctor they told her that she was not as far a long as the other doctor said and that she could have had the abortion but by then she had found an adopted family and couldn't!!!!! God had either confused the dr. or had made the baby appear older than he was... Shawn is now a healthy ALIVE baby by... who, though I'll never see him again... he is out there with a christian family.... praise be to GOD!

Indeed praise God for that. Back in my high school days, I was very pro-choice and liberal. Now I know that most people go through that phase of efficiency and equity for everyone. But, I changed to pro-life. Then my daughter was born and I am very pro-life. There is so much polity in it all.

It makes it even harder when church bodies don't take a stand against it or even may promote as an option. I have Randy Alcorn's book [ame=""]Pro-Life Answers for Pro-Choice Arguments[/ame]. Very informative. He also has a very interesting story about being involved in protests against abortion clinics.

Again, praise God for the quoted story. I hope this child someday knows the grace that was upon him.
You know Jason... I have asked myself that question a thousand times....I still don't have a great answer... except you keep putting it out there... I have a link on my myspace page... I talk about the site or my RL experience to whom ever will listen.. or read, and I pray I pray so hard.... for the mothers, for the doctors and for the babies.... and then when I feel as though my heart will break into a million pieces I pray for me... that God will take the pain away for just a minute so I can sleep. I don't know who said what on the argument of babies going to heaven... but I pray that God will take them, and hold them, because WE as a people have caused them... those innocent unborn babies pain, terror and an evil so unthinkable. We can not point fingers... the prophets included themselves in the peoples sin. We have to ask forgiveness... isn't that true brotherly love? love for even our enemy? Asking forgiveness FOR them and getting in the proverbial trenches with them?

Sorry...I know this is now turned into the rants of a mad woman....
You know Jason... I have asked myself that question a thousand times....I still don't have a great answer...

You know what honor I am pleased somebody else struggles with that, thank you for your example. From the way you spelt honour I am guessing you are an American believer right? Well, here in the UK last year we had a film released called Amazing Grace which told the story of William wilberforce. The ressemblence between his story and the fight against abortion is breathtaking. But I want you American believing friends to realise how good you've got it. You've at least got some politicians who are prolife. We don't have any that want to ban abortion in England. And on that point, pray about the slippery slide over here. Recently one of the governments leading advisors on morality released a report suggesting we should "put down" old people with dementeour because they are "a drain on society, a drain on their families and their life is over anyway"

I notice posters get thanked on here. I have no idea who does that but if I could I would thank you for that comment. Most helpful! Thank you Honor
You're welcome Jason... actually I chose that name because that is my last name just spelled differently it's pronounced the same. I just got done reading a book about the UK... It was about a sneaky law that would require would be parents to get licenced before they had children!!!! it was a scary book indeed. I will be praying for you.
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