When is a man and a woman married? I've heard your married once vows about the other party have been made. If so:
Did Adam and Eve make vows?
Where does Scripture require vows for marriage?
Are couples in other cultures that have not made vows to God, then not married?
The Westminster Confession, in chapter 24.1, states:
Some have also quoted Leviticus 18:18 against polygamy, though I understand this is disputed:
And 1 Timothy 3:2:
However, the scriptures are full of examples of polygamy, and like divorce, the Mosaic law allows also for polygamy.
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter XXIV, section IV: Marriage ought not to be within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity forbidden in the Word;a nor can such incestuous marriages ever be made lawful by any law of man, or consent of parties, so as those persons may live together as...
law of god
levirate marriage
original westminster confession
seventh commandment
wcf 24.4
westminister confessions
westminster assembly
My wife and I will be leading a couple through pre-marital counseling this Spring. I'd love to know what resources others would recommend; books, lectures, sermon series, etc.
Hey all, looking for some helpful brotherly advice.
I am 23 years old, and a pastoral intern at a fairly large church. I am single, and desirous to pursue marriage, however, I have found doing so while in pastoral ministry somewhat difficult. I do not believe it is wise to pursue a relationship...
In Fisher's catechism explicating the seventh commandment he says:
Is Fisher saying that marriage is not a model of Christ and the Church? What then is the relationship between human marriage and the union of Christ and the Church? I don't understand his point.
Proverbs 21:9, 19
A man who finds himself in this situation will have to be in much prayer, seeking the wisdom of God.
What are particular encouragements and/or advice for the poor soul who would rather die in the desert?
What makes a person legitimate to give marriage? Here are two examples to explain the question.
Person A:
Is a pastor in a large church that has thousands of members and is part of a larger church structure;
Has a degree from a well-standing seminary;
Has a wide following and...
As I write to a brother and sister who are about to be married, I wish I could be with them, but extenuating circumstances forbid me from doing so. So, I am writing them a long letter about the marriage advice that I have received over the years from good counselors. However, since I have only...
Romanism has five more sacraments than protestants do:
Extereme Unction (or a Last Anointing)
As Romanists can cite verses in the New Testament for each of these things (Acts 9:17; Lk. 3:8; Mt. 19:5-6; Acts 13:2-3; James 5:14), why are they not...
anointing with oil
church ordinances
extreme unction
james 5
laying on of hands
roman catholicism
Hello there! I am incredibly grateful to the Lord for all. I recently turned 25 and I consider it to be a big deal. I became a believer when I was 19. I never really had anyone to show me the ropes. That is true for my life before Christ as well.
Had my nose buried in the books and really felt...
I am 29 days away from my wedding day. My bride and I met while teaching missionary children in Kyiv, Ukraine. Though raised Southern Baptist, I was convinced of the reformed standards while in college in 2009 and have been part of the URCNA ever since. My bride is a Southern Baptist but I have...
Some of the early puritans refused to wear wedding rings as Romanism in their day had caused wedding rings to bear a commonly superstitious meaning. To wear them was to affirm that meaning, and was hence scandalous. Some persons today teach that it is wrong to wear wedding rings.
However, as...
I understand very well and accept the fact that homosexual acts are a sin, and that marriage is between one man and one woman only wherein sexual relations are only appropriate.
But I wanted some opinions on same sex attraction itself. Is it a sin to experience same sex attraction? Can a genuine...
A theoretical situation came to my mind and I wanted to ask about it here.
What if I, a devoted Reformed Christian in a Christian college, came across a girl. We like each other, I think about asking her out, but learn she is a Roman Catholic. Or even worse: we date for awhile because she says...
Came across this article on John and Mollie Wesley's terrible marriage via Tim Challies' blog.
From Cajun to Asian: Sacrificing Your Marriage on the Altar of your Job: Examining John Wesley’s Train Wreck of a Marriage
I don't want this to turn into a "bash the non-reformed brother" thread...
My wife met with another woman from our church this morning at a coffee shop to encourage and strengthen one another in the Lord. As they're leaving, a man comes up to them, kneels down by the table, looks at my wife's friend and and gently tells her, "God wanted me to tell you that you're not...
I believe that church discipline can and ought to be enacted in cases where a member marries an unbeliever, but is there any biblical grounds for discipline being enacted upon a member who willfully is dating and considering marriage with a Roman Catholic?
Elder in a confessional...
For those of you who are married, what do you do when you and your spouse have two opposite concerns?
Let's use the example of vaccinations. The husband is worried that not vaccinating children may lead to harm for their children because of the diseases, while the wife is worried that the...
A church in England preached Ephesians 5:22 and Colossians 3:18 and immediately many women members were so offended that they quit the congregation. So what does Eph 5:22 and Col 3:18 say that is so offensive?
Some of the women congregants said they were "disgusted" by the sermon which was...
At the PCA's 36th General Assembly last year, Overture 9, the overture to erect a study group regarding deaconesses, occupied a good deal of time. While the Assembly answered the oveture in the negative, a new Overture 9 promises to spark some lively debate again this year.
While the PC(USA)...
In light of the recent courtship thread, I thought I would ask about the benefits of courtship for the man.
I read this paper:
It was kindly posted in the other thread and I found lots of information on how the father can...
I have a question regarding overseers.
1 Timothy 3:4 reads.
My questions is: If a married man does not have children would this disqualify him from the office?
I would say no. This does not disqualify him from the office as long as his duties as a husband are in order and the other...