Absolute best pet you ever had

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Richard King

Puritan Board Senior
What would yours be?

Growing up I had LOTS of animals...aquariums, pet crows, pet owls, a pet hawk, reptiles and many breeds of (and mutt) dogs and cats but the best of all time has to be my current Great Pyrenees dog... Abby. She is the most loyal and sweetest natured animal I have ever known.
My dog Dodi, got him a week after Princess Diana died, he was dark and light brown, hence he got his name.

Great sheep dog, work 300 sheep no problems.

Lost him when I got divorced. Feel guilty, to this day.

I've had a couple of top contenders for this category, but I'm going to have to say my last dog... the Pit Bull. I've posted about him before here, but he was the sweetest little angel. He never even ONCE went to the bathroom inside (of course, I got him as an adult), he would do whatever I told him to do, and he loved the heck out of me. In fact, my girlfriend was jealous of him because I loved him so much and gave him so much attention. He had the CUTEST face that I've ever seen, and he even smelled good! Absolutely adorable!

(The downside is that one day out of the blue he just went crazy and made a bee-line towards my neighbor in attack mode. I had to put him down to be responsible. This was about 2 yrs ago.)
I'd have to say Ticker, the cat I grew up with. He was in the family before me, lived 16 years, and died when I was in junior high.
Jeff my Border Collie. Friendly, smart, best cow dog I've ever trained, and he would beat coyotes at their own game by luring them within range of my varmit gun.

His brother, Mutt, was pretty good too, but he was afraid of guns.

My Snoopy that passed away a few weeks ago. He was a gray and white tabby. The loss still hurts greatly, we had him for 14 yrs. He was the best little boy.
Honestly, the best pet I've ever had is any one that I've never had.

On the other hand, the worst one I've ever had is the only one I've ever had to live with, which is my younger brother's Shiba Inu, the smallest Japanese breed of dog. He really is great as far as dogs and pets in general go, but neither one is saying much for me. If I had to own a pet, I suppose it would be a fish.

As I once saw on a bumper-sticker, "I love animals - they're delicious!" :bigsmile:
I've had a lot of wonderful pets. It would be really hard to choose, but I think it would have to be my dog Blossom. She died about 10 years ago. She was a dachshund and miniture schnauzer mix. When her health was failing and she could hardly walk, she still insisted on following me around the house ..even going up the stairs. I've never seen loyalty like hers.
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