Brethren, this is a public site. Your information is in the public domain. Please think twice before divulging personal information that is going to prejudice you in the public eye.
This that Rev Winzer says is certainly true.
However, the views —
theories — that Andrew holds forth about the acceptability of using marijuana as "God made all created things for our use (citing Genesis 1:29)", these theories have also been put forth in the "public domain" for all eyes to see, and that coming from a respected and sound Christian discussion board. Who knows how many will take Andrew's opinions to heart and "give grass a try"?
Too bad you didn't give your caution when Andrew was promoting his dangerous acceptance of marijuana, Matthew!
When talking about such socially relevant — and
Biblically relevant — matters by Puritan Board members, asking for transparency, full disclosure, is certainly appropriate.
When eloquently waxing forth on a topic of such importance, it is certainly appropriate to inquire as to such a proponent's knowledge of the subject he is "teaching" on! Especially when it is false teaching!
"Oh, I see that Puritan Board is now approving the use of marijuana for Christians, as 'God made all things good', as long as we do it in moderation", is a saying that we — or I, for one — do not want to see influencing the very many visitors to our site, encouraging them to indulge in sorcery.
If Andrew does not want to make full disclosure of his "knowledge" re marijuana, fine, but he has already gone very far in influencing others to consider it acceptable practice for Christians. And when you, Matthew, seem to want to give your "caution" just when such a promoter is being asked for transparency, well, I think that's a poor showing on your part.
Remember, friends — both members, and visitors — the warning our holy God, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, has given us in Revelation 21:8 and Revelation 22:15, that those involved in
sorcery are consigned to the lake of fire, and banned from the city of God in the eternal state. A lot is at stake in the words spoken here on PB! We are (or were?) a source of respected teaching to the larger Christian community.