Dress code in church

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Originally posted by crhoades
It's funny that when we founded this country we were going against having a "king". Washington was very concerned on what he wore and what he was called because we were trying to be different. Somehow, over time, we have now turned the office into the throne room again. Something tells me that W. wouldn't mind it if someone approached him in jeans. (not that it matters either way.)

I once read that a British ambassador came to visit Jefferson in his office and was horrified to find him undressed for the meeting (that is, in his underwear). Jefferson didn't see what the big deal was.
The jury is still out on this one for me. I agree with the posts that imply that how we dress reflects what we expect when we come to a worship service. Do we expect to be preached to by a man only, or do we REALLY come expecting to be in the presence of a Holy God?

I HATE to dress up, and rarely do it, even at church. If I'm not wearing jeans and sneakers then I feel very uncomfortable. (I get hot and sweaty very easily) However, I try to wear a nice shirt and clean sneaks or even black or brown shoes to "step it up a notch." But I've got to tell you, the only reason why I don't really dress up for church is simply because I hate it so much! I would love to justify it by saying that God only looks at the heart (and I'm not implying that those who use that argument are simply justifying it. I think they're fully convinced in their own minds and therefore, not sinning.)

But if I have to perform a role, such as teaching or communion, then I dress much nicer.

As for the young ladies immodestly dressed, I think its for the women to correct them. And if the women are not correcting them, then we should go up to those women and say, "Hey, see so and so? It would be great if you could encourage her to dress modestly for the worship service for these reasons..."

I'm at the point now where I'm very tempted to go up to these females and say something to them myself! Seriously. The job is just not getting done and I'm tired of them flaunting their tight buttocks all over the sanctuary like they're there to pick up guys, or at least cause them to drool. :banghead: (But I'll say it in a very tactful and winsome manner)
That's not gross, he's just tenderizing the meat. You can make some good chili out of that. Plus, the flies are small, they don't eat much.
Originally posted by sastark

Wayne, you've said a lot of things in the past on this board that I have whole-heartedly agreed with, but I must disagree with you here, brother.

If someone shows up to your church in jeans and a t-shirt, your first reaction is "How selfish and inappropriate of him!" ?? Really? Do you really, honestly believe you are a better Christian because you put on a tie that morning? Or that your worship is more acceptable to God because you're wearing a suit? Do you really think God looks, even for a second, on the outward man and not on the inward heart?

Please take this post in a tone of love and respect, but I really am surprised at what you wrote.


That's okay we don't have to agree on everything. But how anyone presents themselves says something about them and what they think of the occasion. Dressing appropriately for a certain occasion is only expected. Would you look down on someone who came to a worship service wearing a speedo? or a woman wearing a string bikini? What if they showed up at your house for a dinner party like that. I know this is a bit of a far out example but if we are going to take the position that what you wear to come before the throne of God does not matter, where do we draw the line? (Hopefully we can agree on no speedo's). How about cut offs and a tank top? How the Bride of Christ, the Church, presents itself to her Bridegroom says a lot about what we think of God and what He has done for us. I do think that God does care how you present yourself when you come to worship Him since it reflects the level of love and respect you have for Him.
Adam and Eve were naked and they were not ashamed. And Our majestic God was just fine with that when they met together. When they were ashamed they started to cover themselves. I believe they might have also changed in appearance somehow. You know that lustre of glory just didn't shine like it did after they fell. WE DO NEED OUR COVERINGS. Espeicially me. :banana:
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