How do you study a book?

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Puritan Board Freshman
How do you study books? What particular habits have you developed that have made you successful in studying?

What method do you use for studying the Bible?

[Edited on 3-6-2006 by Presbyrino]
In general, and this is just for me and may not be as conducive to others. This is my structural approach.

I take a "30,000" foot look at a book, text and so forth. This may mean many many many multiple re-readings of it. That way one can get the flow of a writers thought, argument and use of terms as he is applies them and etc... Plus, it simply solidifies the whole in one's mind rather than pieces. Then one can take into consideration the time period/culture written. This avoids a myopic approach and "dictionary type" word study/replacements. It's also very conducive to the "less" logic oriented books like the Psalms for example.

That's a simple way that is not overly burdensome I think,

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