It's 28 degrees outside and I'm wearing a t-shirt and flipflops.

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If you enjoy the cold, come up here for a visit. Tomorrow we will hit -9 with a -30 to -35
degree windchill, and -13 on Friday!

Up here we have the 4 seasons:
Almost Winter
Still Winter
Road Construction
Minus eleven right now, and falling. As soon as I step outside I get ice on my beard from my breath. At what temperature does light freeze? :p
I enjoy cold weather...I love winter and snow...BUT, it's 13 below zero here with 25 below wind chill. Tonight it's supposed to get down to close to 30 below with 35-40 below windchill. We've also had about 40 inches of snow in the past 6 weeks with 6 foot drifts and its only mid January! But I still love it! I've been snowshoeing a lot but am getting tired of shoveling and snow blowing. So....If you really love cold weather...come up and visit. Ask Benajmin Glaser about his visit.
BTW, I wear a parka when I'm outside...I think you might wear more than flip flops and a t-shirt up here!

I don't know what Jim is talking about, I mean it was a balmy 28 degrees when I got there. ;)

(of course that does not count the -20's and -30's we had the rest of the time... :lol: but hey that weather is great.)
It's about 35 degrees outside this dog wanted to go out, so I let her out..she turned, looked back at me and ran back in the house.. it is too cold for the dog..
I think a lot of you are crazy for not wearing coats! I love the feeling of putting on an old coat when the weather first turns cold. I could wear a sweater and jacket every day!

I actually may get to drag out my favourite coat. A Pea Coat worn by a family member in two wars! I love that thing. It is warm. Really warm.
I guess i am a real southern girl... I saw that tomorrow the high is supposed to be 43 and I am gearing up to stay inside all weekend... I think that the lows 40s is when you don't even leave the house... I don't know what I would do where some of ya;ll live.
We lived in PA for a year... that winter we drove to walmart when the first snow started to fall... when we got out of wally world and went to drive home I would softly glide off the road at every intersection... everyone was driving around me pointing and laughing at me and my Ga tags. when we finially got home (3 hours when it usely took us 20 mins) I parked the car and we took the bus until the spring.
I think you are off your rocker. ;)
Honor, I'm from south/central Georgia originally (lived and taught near you in Hinesville for 11 years after graduating from Georgia Southern), so I know the feeling!

It was 10 degrees this morning in Louisville when I woke up. The computer says it's 6 degrees downtown. It's supposed to get up to around 15 today and then drop down to 3 tonight. Brrrrrrr!
God has made us quite a diverse group of people. Personally I prefer to be warm, but I am happy for you as cool weather seems to be moving across the country.
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