Angelo Neves
Puritan Board Freshman
I've searched* some issues in puritan era, and I've founded some Puritans were Premillenialists or Millenarists(the old term), and this in all 3 Confessional and Theological Positions: Particular Baptists, Independents/Congregationals and Presbyterians
Benjamin Keach - LBCF1689
Hanserd Knollys - LBCF1689
Jeremiah Burroughs - DFS
Thomas Goodwin - WCF
William Twisse - WCF
Preface Mede's Work on Revelation, a very premillennial Work
John Bunyan - Non Confessional
Marshall, Palmer and Some Independents - Secondary References by Robert Baillie
So, Do you know any other puritan with a premillennial view?
And Am I classifying these one correctly as premillennial?
Benjamin Keach - LBCF1689
XXXIV. WE believe that the Bodies of all Men, both the Just and Unjust, shall rise again at the last day, even the same numerical Bodies that die; though the Bodies of the Saints shall be raised immortal and incorruptible, and be made like Christ's glorious Bo∣dy: and that the dead in Christ shall rise first.
Short Confession of Faith
And that the World to come shall begin in its greatest Glory at the Resurrection, doth appear by our Saviour's own words; But they*which shall be worthy to obtain that World to come, and the Resurrection from the Dead, neither marry, nor are given in Marriage: Neither can they die any more; for they are equal unto the Angels, and are the Chil∣dren of the Resurrection. It appears, the World to come, or Kingdom of the Messiah in its greatest Glory, and the Resurrecti∣on, commence together, or at one and the same time. And this is further confirmed, because in one Place it is said, that those who follow Christ, and suffer for him, shall be rewarded at the Resur∣rection of the Just, as Luke 14. 14. And in another Place it is said, in the World to come, as Luke 18. 30.
2. The World to come shall be a World without Sin, a Holy World, a Righteous World: this present World is a wicked World, an ungodly World; but all the Inhabitants of that World to come shall be Holy, they shall be all filled with Righteousness: Hence it is Peter saith, We, according to his Promise, look for a new*Heaven and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness.
3. The Government of that new World shall be alone in the Hands of the Saints, no wicked Man shall be in any Place of Power there; no corrupt Judges, nor Justices, Righteousness shall then bear Rule: The People also shall be all Righteous, they shall inherit the Land for ever, the Branch of my planting, the Work of my Hands,*that I may be glorified.—The Kingdom and Dominion, and greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven, shall be given to the People of*the Saints of the most High.
A golden mine opened
Hanserd Knollys - LBCF1689
The next particular in our general Position to be explained, is the Resurre∣ction of the Body, at the Second Com∣ing of Jesus Christ: compare 1 Cor. 15.20, 22, 23. with 1 Thes. 4.16. The Lord himself shall descend from Heaven—And the Dead in Christ shall rise first.
The Dead Bodies of the Saints shall then be Raised from the Dead, that shall yet remain in their Graves: They that sleep in Jesus will God raise up; them will Jesus Christ awaken with the Trump of God, 1 Thes. 4.14. The Resurrection of the Dead hath this Order, and is described by the Apostle in this manner, to wit, Christ first, 1 Cor. 15.22, 23, 24. afterwards they that are Christ's at his Coming. But the rest of the Dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished, Rev. 20.5, 6. This is the first Resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resurre∣ction. They shall Reign with Christ a thousand years, and that on Earth, Rev. 5.9, 10. These Kings and Priests are the Children of the Resurrection, Luk. 20.35, 36. being the Children of God. Whose vile Bodies shall be changed and fashioned like unto Christ's glori∣ous Body. The Saints raised Bodies will be perfect, no defect, no deformity, but spiritual, and glorious, 1 Cor. 15.42, 43, 44. So is the Resurrection of the Dead; It is sown a natural Body, it is raised a spiritual Body. It is sown inPage 30dishonour, it is raised in glory. After the Saints deceased are raised, and have lived and reigned with Christ a thou∣sand years, shall be the general Resur∣rection, Rev. 20.12, 13. And I saw the Dead small and great stand before God.
The vvorld that now is; and the vvorld that is to come
Jeremiah Burroughs - DFS
Yea, and then Fourthly, The Lord promiseth to Daniel, as a peculiar and special favour unto him, that he should arise, and stand in the Lot at the end of the dayes. Now for Daniel to arise at the day of Judgment, that's a thing that is common to all, good and bad; but here it is promised to him as a special Mercy, that he shall stand up in the latter dayes in his Lot: And there∣fore, according to the Reverend Bright∣man, and others, this place is interpre∣ted of the time of the calling in of the Jews, when they and the Gentiles shall joyn together; and Jerusalem shall then be set up as the Praise of the whole Earth.
Jerusalems glory breaking forth into the world being a Scripture-discovery of the New-Testament Church
Thomas Goodwin - WCF
And, 3, the first promise made, chap. 5, is prophesied of to befulfilled, they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years, andhad the honour of being priests and kings, which from the first wassaid of them: chap. 1 ver. 6, 'And hath made us kings and priestsunto God and his Father.'
Of the Blessed State of Glory Which the Saints Possess After Death
William Twisse - WCF
Preface Mede's Work on Revelation, a very premillennial Work
Many shall runne (or passe) to and fro, and knowledge shall be encreased, Dan. 12. 4. I lighted some times upon a wittie interpretation of this passage in a certain Manuscript; and the interpretation was this. That the opening of the world by Navi∣gation and Commerce, and the increase of knowledge, should meet both in one time, or age. The observation is justified by experience, howsoever Divines may judge as they see cause of the congruitie thereof unto Daniels text. And this increase of knowledge, which these latter times have brought forth, appeares in no∣thing more remarkeably, then in the interpretation of this mysterious booke, the Revelation of Saint Iohn. And as the mother of Solomon saith of the vertuous wo∣man, whom she describeth, Pro 31.29. Many daughters have done vertuously, but thou surmountest them all. In like sort may it be said of Mr Mede in reference to his Ex∣positions of the Revelation. Many Interpreters have done excellently, but he surmounteth them all.
A PREFACE written by Doctor Twisse, shewing the Methode and Excellency of Mr Medes interpretation of this My∣sterious book of the REVELATION of Saint JOHN.
John Bunyan - Non Confessional
The second also the apostle asserteth in that fourth chapter to the Hebrews, "There remaineth therefore a rest," or the keeping of a sabbath, "to the people of God" (v 9 read also vv 4-11). Which sabbath, as I conceive, will be the seventh thousand of years, which are to follow immediately after the world hath stood six thousand first: for as God was six days in the works of creation, and rested the seventh; so in six thousand years he will perfect his works and providences that concern this world. As also he will finish the toil and travel of his saints, with the burthen of the beasts, and the curse of the ground; and bring all into rest for a thousand years. A day with the Lord, is as a thousand years: wherefore this blessed and desirable time is also called "a day," "a great day," "that great and notable day of the Lord" (Acts 2:20), which shall end in the eternal judgment of the world. God hath held forth this by several other shadows, as the sabbath of weeks, the sabbath of years, and the great jubilee, which is to be the year after forty-nine years are expired (Lev 25:1-13). Of all which, more in their place, if God permit.
Ver. 4. "And the days of Adam, after he had begotten Seth, were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters."
Adam therefore, as a type of Christ, reigned in the church almost a thousand years. The world therefore beginning thus, doth shew us how it will end; namely, by the reign of the second Adam, as it began with the reign of the first.
These long-lived men therefore shew us the glory that the church shall have in the latter day, even in the seventh thousand years of the world, that sabbath when Christ shall set up his kingdom on earth, according to that which is written, "They lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" (Rev 20:1-4). They:—Who? The church of God, according also as it was with Adam. Therefore they are said by John to be holy, as well as blessed: "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God, and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years" (v 6). In all which time the wicked in the world shall forbear to persecute, as did also the brood of wicked Cain in the days of Adam, Seth, &c. Hence therefore we find in the first place the dragon chained for these thousand years.
John Bunyan on Genesis
Marshall, Palmer and Some Independents - Secondary References by Robert Baillie
I marvell I can find nothing in its index againft the Millenaries : I cannot think the author a Millenarie. I cannot dream why he fhould have omitted ane errour fo famous in antiquitie, and fo troublefome among us ; for the mod of the chiefe divines here, not only Independents, hot others, fuch as Twifs, Marfhall, Palmer, and many more, are exprefs Chiliads. It's needfull, if his judgment be right, that he mould amend that omiffion, by ane exprefs and large Appendix.
The letters and journals of Robert Baillie
So, Do you know any other puritan with a premillennial view?
And Am I classifying these one correctly as premillennial?
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