Red Sox Nation

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I'm a long standing Yankees fan. Last years ALCS victory was even better than winning a series....well almost. I was loving it -especially after Pedro slammed an old man into the dirt. I didn't always dislike the Red Sox but I think that did it for me. In fact I used to like them back when they had Yaz, Fisk, Lynn, Tiant, Rice, etc. And then their owners went ahead and canned their head coach -who did a GREAT job last year...which I thought was dumb.

The curse of the Bambino lives!
[quote:1c1a177998="Andrew"]Any fellow Red Sox fans out there? This could be the year...Ya gotta believe![/quote:1c1a177998]
Yes, I can feel it in my bones. This is gonna be the year. Last year SHOULD have been the year, if it weren't for that unexpected ALCS loss to ... :puzzled: ... um ... the name of the team escapes me.

[quote:1c1a177998="Chris"]I'm a long standing Yankees fan...In fact I used to like them back when they had Yaz, Fisk, Lynn, Tiant, Rice, etc. [/quote:1c1a177998]
I admire you for saying that. It takes a lot of guts to admit it publicly. Isn't it AA that says the first step to changing bad habits or attitudes is to admit you've got a problem? ... You're doing well. Keep up the good work. And don't forget, you're not alone in this fight. Andrew and myself and others are here to help whenever you need us.

Last year's ALCS victory was even better than winning a series....well almost. [/quote:1c1a177998]I don't have much to say about the ALCS 'victory', but I sure did enjoy last year's world series.

I was loving it -especially after Pedro slammed an old man into the dirt. I didn't always dislike the Red Sox but I think that did it for me.[/quote:1c1a177998]
Don't you agree that Pedro exercised considerable restraint when the guy came charging at him out of the dugout and got in his face? What should Pedro have done differently? What if the shoe had been on the other foot and a 250+ pounder ran out of the Red Sox dugout towards your pitcher, what would she have done?

Well, gotta get ready to catch a train...that's headed into Boston...the home of the 2004 world series champs
[quote:5629f49fbe="VirginiaHuguenot"]Any fellow Red Sox fans out there? This could be the year...

Ya gotta believe![/quote:5629f49fbe]

Go Yankees!!! :bs2:
[quote:0c164016ec="Tom"]Go Yankees!!![/quote:0c164016ec]Its interesting how, working in Boston, I see that on signs all over the place - GO YANKEES!! I guess we're on the same side after all.

Oops. My bad. I was mistaken. The signs don't say GO YANKEES!!, they say GO HOME YANKEES!! I was close, anyway - only off by one word.
Now, now Bob -lets not over react here. If I didn't know any better I'd say that you sound exactly like so many other bitter little Boston fans.

You aren't [i:ab9184bf3b]really[/i:ab9184bf3b] trying to defend Pedro's reprehensible behavior against an 80 year old geriatric patient are you? Granted, Zimmer was pretty much an idiot too but, in answer to your question, if I could've been able to keep a straight face after watching the old man run the 90 or so feet to get to me, I would've just side-stepped him and probably burst out laughing in the process...heck I would have even let him chase me for a while. That would have been even more hilarious.

I was really disappointed as a 9 year old boy watching the Red Sox in the '75 series when they couldn't put away the hated Big Red Machine of Cincinnati (I still can't stand those guys -[b:ab9184bf3b]especially[/b:ab9184bf3b] Pete Rose -who I'm glad has been banned from the Hall of Fame). That was, perhaps the greatest series I've ever seen -except for the outcome.

And...for your information, I was actually rooting for them the year that they choked against the Mets too. They had it wrapped up but then...cough, cough, choke, choke -Buckner!!!

They let me down man...they let me down.

The Yankees used to have their AAA farmclub in my hometown so I have good reason to hold to my faithfulness in this matter. I was still rooting for them in the lean 80's and early 90's as well as the early 70's.

Even so, I have to admit, the Sox are going to be tough for anyone to beat with their pitching staff. But I still have to root for my boys...The Yankees!

As far as I'm concerned, baseball is still the best sport in America.
New York 95 57 .625 - - 53-24 42-33 46-23 17-12 22-14 10-8 7-3 L1
Boston 90 60 .600 4.0 8 52-24 38-36 40-24 19-13 22-14 9-9 5-5 W1
[quote:662649901f="Chris"]Now, now Bob -lets not over react here.If I didn't know any better I'd say that you sound exactly like so many other bitter little Boston fans.[/quote:662649901f]
I can't in good conscience accept your compliment, though I do appreciate the thought. I am working hard on becoming a bitter little Boston fan, but I've got a long ways to go before I can wear that badge of honor. Thanks, though, for giving that ray of hope.

You aren't [i:662649901f]really[/i:662649901f] trying to defend Pedro's reprehensible behavior against an 80 year old geriatric patient are you? Granted, Zimmer was pretty much an idiot too but, in answer to your question, if I could've been able to keep a straight face after watching the old man run the 90 or so feet to get to me, I would've just side-stepped him and probably burst out laughing in the process...heck I would have even let him chase me for a while. That would have been even more hilarious.[/quote:662649901f]
Yes, that would have been hilarious to see Zimmer chasing you around. But can you imagine if that's what Pedro had actually done? We'd never hear the end of it from the Yankees fans. "Look at that whimpy Red Sox pitcher! He's running away from an 80 year old geriatric patient!"

I wouldn't try and defend either man's actions, though I can understand in the heat of the competition why each reacted the way they did. Scenes like that, though funny to remember, are a far cry from the sportsmen-like conduct they taught us when we were kids.

[quote:662649901f="Chris"]They let me down man...they let me down.[/quote:662649901f]
But, if it turned out that they made it to the world series this year, would you route for them one more time - just for old times sake?

[quote:662649901f="Chris"]As far as I'm concerned, baseball is still the best sport in America.[/quote:662649901f]See, I think we're getting a little closer to agreeing on something now. Baseball is the best sport in America ([size=9:662649901f]that is, its the best after basketball, football, and maybe even hockey[/size:662649901f])
The stats make it look like they'd be pretty competitive if they were to meet each other again on the road to the world series.

BTW, you oughta see the difference it makes looking at those stats after I've done a search (and the text is orange) vs looking at it from the watched topics. The 'code' truly looks like code when viewed after doing a search, but looks the way you'd see it in a newspaper when viewed from watched topics. Maybe its just my Compuserve browser.
BTW, you oughta see the difference it makes looking at those stats after I've done a search (and the text is orange) vs looking at it from the watched topics. The 'code' truly looks like code when viewed after doing a search, but looks the way you'd see it in a newspaper when viewed from watched topics. Maybe its just my Compuserve browser.[/quote:278c7e3991]


The code just causes HTML for fixed fonts to be produced. How any particular browser deals with those fonts is unknown. I haven't used Compu$erve in years.
Well, let's see...the final verdict on the 2004 Sox-Yankees is still to come (postseason), but so far the series is 11-8 in favor of the Sox!!!
Tonight's victory will clinch the wildcard spot and will be a stepping stone to a World Series victory.

"Boston Red Sox - 2004 World Series Champions!"... doesn't that have a nice ring to it?
[quote:204f4689fe="Bhowes"]"Boston Red Sox - 2004 World Series Champions!"... doesn't that have a nice ring to it?[/quote:204f4689fe]
Wow, I remember that October night in 1992 when the Jays won the World Series. Things were really jumping then. What difference between then and now. I sat in the Skydome a few weeks back to watch the Jays and the Orioles play. It was a pretty good attendance by today's standards, but not even close to the sell-outs they had back then in regular league play. It was enough to do the wave, but that was all.

If the Sox play the Yankees, I think that will actually be the series to watch.

What I still don't understand for myself is that I think that the NL is better baseball because of the DH rule in the AL, but I find AL play more exciting. Maybe its because I'm a Jays fan.

"Tonight's victory will clinch the wildcard spot and will be a stepping stone to a World Series victory.

"Boston Red Sox - 2004 World Series Champions!"... doesn't that have a nice ring to it?"



I'm only a tertiary Sox fan at best. I might root for 'em if they can get past the Yankees but only in a half-hearted kind of way...but not if they end up facing the Astros (by some small miracle).

It wasn't always this way...something seized upon me last year as I found myself relishing the gut-wrenching humiliation of the long suffering Red Sox faithful (at the hands of my Yankees no less). Maybe there's something wrong with me but I really enjoyed watching what happened to the Cubs last year too -it was hilarious!
Sure is fun watching the Red Sox bat around the order in one inning (2nd) today against the Orioles. Couldn't help but notice that the crowd at Camden Yards was definitely pro-Sox!
What kind of heinous sin are you New Englanders guilty of to deserve such a humiliating and degrading punishment as this?

Is it the Unitarian thing, gay marriage, leftist politics, John Kerry...???
It's too bad Andy Petitte is injured. I'm not sure if Houston has enough pitching to keep the Cards sluggers quiet for too long. We'll see.

Even so, I'll be rooting for the Yankees.
Originally posted by SmokingFlax

"Tonight's victory will clinch the wildcard spot and will be a stepping stone to a World Series victory.

"Boston Red Sox - 2004 World Series Champions!"... doesn't that have a nice ring to it?"



See what you did?:banana:
14 innings, 5-4 Red Sox

One more game will tie it up!

Good night.

[Edited on 19-10-2004 by blhowes]
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