Red Sox Nation

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Good morning, all, and I do mean that it is for sure a very good morning.

Looking through the previous posts I can see that I indeed wasn't dreaming about last night. It really did happen. They really did beat the Yankees. I'm siked.

I was very pleased with the decision they made last night to take Pedro out of the game. The way he was pitching, it wouldn't have taken the Yankees long to catch the Sox. I don't even want to think about what the outcome could have been.
Originally posted by Scott Bushey
Now all I have to do is wash away 1986 from my hands.........
Some stains are tough to wash away. That one will take a lot of elbow grease...and a 2004 World Series cleanse.

(even that might not be enough, but its a start...right between his legs!)
Originally posted by Scott Bushey
And to think, Buckner was a golden glover............
Yeah, his expertise in sports is a fact...
The first baseman/outfielder collected more than 2,700 hits in his career, won a batting title, and played in four decades. Buckner retired with a .289 average in a 22-year career with five teams.
...yet, inspite of an otherwise pretty decent career, he'll always be remembered for that one incident.

[Edited on 21-10-2004 by blhowes]
The Yankees are a most talented team. It was a remarkable contest between two amazing ball clubs and a series to remember for a long time to come.
Does Curt Schilling's performance in Game 6 remind anyone of Robert Redford in "The Natural"?

He is my hero (Schilling, not Redford).
Originally posted by inspector
Well, the Astros put up a good fight, but did not captalize. ;)
That's probably my fault. I had to do some errands last night and didn't tune in to cheer them on. Every little bit helps, and I didn't do my part. Sorry.

Originally posted by inspector
Good luck to the Sox's. :cool:
Uh-oh! Boston is ahead 4-0 in the first, and headed for the big Yankee choke? Am I reading this right?

Nahhh! Can't be.

Actually I am expecting a high-scoring series, and that it will go all seven. Expect some records to be set. One will be for longest game, I expect. There may be some fantastic individual defensive plays, but I expect this to offense at its best, inspite of some great pitching.

Which team am I for? Well, the Jays are out of it, so I am for a great series, and not for any one team. Actually, I miss hockey, so we need a good World Series to last the winter, with highlights.

[Edited on 24-10-2004 by JohnV]
I'm cautiously optimistic that the Sox will win the series. Why do doubts arise and I keep waiting for them to choke?
I'll tell you why Bob. Cuz you remember that last time the Bosox met the Cards in the World Series. I have deep 37 year old wounds from that game. I went to a 4 room school house in Vermont in 67. Everyday, classes stopped and we watched the Series on TV. It was a magical time that ended with our Sox losing.

I held on to my fanaticism until the ball went through Billy Buckner's legs the next time the Sox went to the Series. I gave up and walked away from the team then.

But now, this series has almost a surrealistic feel to me. The Red Sox and the Cardinals and my 37 year old hurt. Could this be the healing? What will happen if the Red Sox win? Will it usher in the Kingdom and the Second Coming or is it just a sports thing? We'll see. Cautiously optimistic.
Quote from Curt Schilling: "Seven years ago, I became a Christian, and I asked God to do something for me tonight," Schilling said after Boston's 4-2 victory over New York in American League Championship Series Game 6 at Yankee Stadium. "In Game 1, I tried to do it alone, and it didn't work out too well."


P.S. I know he plays on Sundays. I wish there were more athletes like Eric Liddell.
Thank you Bob, I have seen that site that tries to redeem Buckner's legacy. I have forgiven him. If the Sox can win the series I think they should have him throw out the first ball next season.
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