I am still only about half-way through the book I am currently reading, but I am already thinking about what to read next. I think the next topic after the current one I am reading on covenant theology will probably be Christology. As in the person and work of Christ. What are your'e suggestions...
I am trying to think this through:
In the first five books of the scriptures, which places give the clearest indications that the one who is to come will be God, the God-man?
I will name the first one I thought of.
Both clear-cut quotations and longer explanations about what some passage or...
I recently read this article. How would mature theologians respond? I am not a mature theologian. To what extent is the Edwardisan/article's description of the Trinity, incarnation, the believer's...
Having been introduced to Presuppositionalism through a back door, I have a very basic question: What is it, snd what is it based on? In other words, on what ground do you pre-suppose your'e pre-suppositions?
If Atheos Foolsson asks you "how do you know that there is a God", or "how do you...
What historical apologetics and polemical works are there against Rabbinicsm (i.e Judaism, falsely so called)? Did any of the Patristics, Reformers, Puritans, Covenanters, Dutch divines or other orthodox theologians have enough interactions with this religion to write against it?
I am...
Hi all
I am going to be speaking to a JW soon and am busy preparing. I am going through the various passages in the Bible where e.g., the same attributes are used to describe Jehovah and Christ. I read the following thread: https://www.puritanboard.com/threads/proving-the-trinity.6330/...
Hello brothers and sisters! I thought I would share a worship resource that has been a blessing to me.
Nathan Drake (Reawaken Hymns) just finished up a project called The Trinity Project: three albums of 20 classic hymns tracks each. For those of you that lead worship, there are some pretty...
The Bible translations I read and study (ESV and CSB, among others) use a variation of capitalization in conjunction with a variety of words for what the ESV's preface calls "tetragrammaton." As a young lay-person, I know very little about Hebrew and Greek, but I'm curious about the impact this...
I would like some clarification as I understand that -
The persons of the Trinity are equal in substance, eternity, honor, power, glory
The Son is “eternally begotten” of the Father
The Spirit is “eternally proceeding” Either from the Father or both
the Father is called the “monarch” of the...
Perichoresis is a Greek word that refers to the mutual love and indwelling of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Social Trinitarians (rife in evangelicalism today) take this concept to teach that the Father, Son and Spirit have separate wills. The orthodox, early Church councils, on the other...
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god's being
god's will
online resources
resources available
social trinitarianism
will of god
As Christian evangelicalism continues to try and reinvent the wheel of theology from a blank slate, profound and fundamental, old, truths are lost sight of, and contradicted.
The modern heresy of the Eternal Subordination of the Son presumes, wrongly, that each Person of the Trinity has a...
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decree of god
election and decrees
eternal decree
god's will
theology proper
triune godhead
will of god
Dear PB
I am reading an interesting book (written by a local, hence South African, preacher), titled "The Wonder of Jesus in the Old Testament," given to me by a friend, whom I am not sure is reformed.
I understand the view that the Angel of the Lord may be/probably is Jesus. What I am...
My friends and I have been having many discussions on the eternal subordination of the Son (ESS). Unfortunately, we only have access to books (such as Grudem's Systematic) and materials online that argue for ESS exegetically from places like 1 Cor. 11:3 and more. I've found it much harder to...
The classic Western doctrine of the filioque states that, as Matthew Barrett puts it in his book, "Simply Trinity":
This, however, doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. This seems confused to ground the generation of persons in the essence and not in the persons. Should not we say that the...
I realized today that I completely forgot to post about this here when the class came out on March 9...
Reformed Forum, a leading organization for the advancement of a distinctly Christian worldview in America, have launched a new course on Cornelius Van Til's Trinitarian Theology with Dr. Lane...
The Excellent Name of God by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) was a brilliant Reformed preacher of the Gospel, and a member of the Westminster Assembly. He ministered with pastoral sensitivity and a zealous desire to glorify God in his preaching and writing...
The Blessed God by Daniel Burgess (1645-1713)
Daniel Burgess (1645-1713) was a popular Reformed, Presbyterian minister, and fiery preacher in his day.
To intimately know God is the substance of this work by Burgess. It is not only to know God as God has revealed his essence, but Burgess, as...
The doctrine of the trinity is that there are 3 dinstinct persons that all have the same divine essence. The Son is YAWEH, the Father is YAWEH, the Spirit is YAWEH. My question is this: Does each member of the trinity have their own mind and will, or is there one mind of God? This is an excerpt...
At the school at which I became principal this past year, I have recently had to have a conversation about the second commandment with my teachers. They are just "regular old Baptists" who have ever even heard that images of Christ—or any Person of the Godhead—is forbidden by the second...
I have a question that I can’t wrap my head around lately and was hoping you guys could point me in the right direction or share some insight into your understanding.
1) How are we to understand the Aseity of the Holy Spirit in terms of the following:
According to John 5:26,
“For just as the...
I just watched a video of a Messianic Jewish rabbi, in Brazil, arguing against the doctrine of the Trinity.
He says, among other arguments: “The Spirit of God is not a distinct entity, such as is affirmed by Trinitarians, because he himself is the Holy Spirit”. With such affirmation, he denied...
I made this thread because I would like for the PB community to select your favorite citations/quotes/selections on the subject of the deity of Jesus Christ, especially those written by the puritans and church fathers, and share them here.
Please inform the source.
Here is one of my...
I watched this video by a Lutheran Pastor who claims that 2nd and 3rd generation Calvinism had a lot of anti-trinitarianism due to the supposed "logic with Scripture" he supposes we try to hold onto dogmatically. Watch this video starting from 8:50 to hear his argument. What do you guys think...
In the position paper "Women in the Life of the Church," the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church claims subordination in the Trinity is a model for the roles of men and women.
Page 6 [emphasis mine]:
Pages 12-13:
Finally, an approving reference is given in a footnote to an article...
Part of the reason I joined the PB was to seek a sound response to the question "Is belief in the Trinity-specifically the 3 persons of God-neccesary for salvation?". I searched and found a similar thread already that existed and I didnt ever end up seeing a response (I just ended up seeing...
Hi brothers. I heard in a debate a Trinitarian claim that Hebrews 1:8-12 is one sentence in the Greek. Is this true? If it's true, can you guys help me out with evidence that this is so? Or citations from scholars? Obviously this is very important because it would mean the Father is calling His...
Hi brothers in Christ. I'm a young apologist for the Trinity but my Greek needs a lot of work and I don't have any good sources to know the answer to my question. What is the tense of the word "emptied" (kenoō) in Philippians 2:7? Past tense? Present tense? Future tense? Another tense? This is...
Hey everyone,
We use the Trinity hymnal for our family worship at night, and although we know the melody of many of these hymns already, I'm curious to find some resources to listen to some of these hymns during the day to learn some of the more obscure hymns we aren't necessarily familiar...
Does Genesis 1:1-3 provide a picture of the trinity?
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,”...
I am looking forward to buying one book on Election and one on the Trinity but I don't know which to choose for my self (money is not a problem). I have studied to refute arminian proof texts from John Gill's The Cause of God and Truth, Jame White's Potter's Freedom, and essays on...