How many PB members have you met?

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Met in Person -

1. Beth Sulzmann ... Homemaker (my wife)
2. Rick Taron ... RTaron
3. Andrew Myers ... VirginiaHuguenot
4. Jessica Myers ... HuguenotHelpMeet
5. Greg Fox ... PresReformed
6 Jeff George ... providenceboard
7. Kevin Barrow ... Catechist
8. Chris Mangum ... mangum
9. Joe Mangum ... Layman Joe
10. Matt Vaughan ... Bondman
11. Grace Knox ... lv1nothr
12. Christopher Blum ... Me Died Blue
13. Tom McArdle ... gravertom
14. Nick Napier ... nicnap

By phone -
Scott Hooker ... Theoretical

I keep a copy of this on my blog ... just for this recurring thread.

I think I'm going to make all my friends and neighbors members of the PuritanBoard just so I can have the longest list of people I've met.

I'm planning on meeting a number of folks as I drive about 5000 miles from Seattle to SoCal to AZ to Texas to IN to VA this summer.

5000 miles is about 6 months mileage for the average person in Northern Ireland; America is so big it scares me. :eek:
I have met:

Richard Zuelch/Bookslover

Adam King/ADKing

Grace Knox/lv1nothr-via phone

Donald Jacobs/MrMerlin777

Nse Ekpo/Nse007

I almost met Josiah but was too busy at the book table at the Conference at LOPC last April. I hopefully will have the pleasure to meet Rich and his family and others when they are in Seattle starting their L.'s Across America Tour. :lol:
I think I'm up to 16 now.

Hope to possibly meet more of you Seattle area folks. We'll be in town the end of July visiting family.
Two in person, two by phone.

Mary van der Kooi (met in Addis Ababa, Ehtiopia)
Duncan (met in Guangzhou, PRC)
Bob V (by phone)

I also spoke to Randy Snyder by phone, but it was no more than about a minute, so I don't know that that counts!

These are very cool people, by the way. Amazing the sort of folks you find on the PB.
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I really need to update my list. The count is now 23.

Rich (SemperFideles)
Jay Sulzmann (jaybird0827)
Beth Sulzmann (Homemaker)
Jessica Myers (HuguenotHelpMeet)
Steve Wamble (street preacher)
Colleen Wamble (Lady Flynt)
John Hill (govols)
Joel (Covenant Joel)
Grace Knox (lv1nothr)
Joe Mangum (Layman Joe)
Kevin Barrow (Catechist)
Diane (Lady Calvinist)
Greg Fox (PresReformed)
Matt Vaughan (Bondman)
Chris Mangum (mangum)
Jeff George (Providenceboard)
Shanna (MrsHinrichs)
Jeff Wyman (jawyman)
Kent Butterfield (kent)
Steve Bradley (bygracealone)
Doug Comin (dcomin)
Timothy Merkel (x.spasitel)
Bob Hendry (bhendry)
Bob, I can't wait. Our vacations will be confined to road trips for the next 20 years or so, so getting together half way will be a major highlight!
Thanks for this update.

I've met three in person: Rev. King, Nathan Eshelman (prayers for him today as he is ordained) and Nate Lanning. Have spoken with another on the phone.

Was pleased to meet each of you; hoped to have met more.

Here's what I can remember for now.

1. Fred Greco--Houston 2008
2 J.D. Longmire--Mobile 2007 and FPC Jackson Men's Rally 2008
3. Lawrence Underwood--Mobile 2007
4. Jacob Aitken (Ivanhoe)--used to belong to the same church
5. Evie B. (Ex Nihilo)--used to belong to the same church
6. Michael Butterfield-- FPC Jackson Men's Rally 2008
7. Andrew Barnes (Romans 922)-- FPC Jackson Men's Rally 2008

I saw Ken Pierce when he prayed at the 2008 Men's Rally at First Pres. in Jackson but I was not able to meet him amidst the throng there who came to hear Al Mohler. Were there any other PBers there that evening?

It's possible that I may have met some old members who stopped contributing years ago or who joined but never posted.

I hope to meet Pergy if he heads down this way later this year.

Mods: Should this be in General discussions, or perhaps Reformed Connections?
Okay, Marrow Man and I are married, so I doubt that counts. I've met Bryan Wiley (StaytheCourse) and I already knew Kevin Carroll and I met Gloria a few months ago while visiting her church. I have also met Benjamin Glaser/Backwoods Presbyterian when he was in town a while back. I think I"m forgetting someone, though--please forgive me!

Good grief--I forgot several, though the first three aren't regular posters: Brian Dempsey, Mark Wright (my former pastor), Robert Truelove (visited his church for a few months), and Jonathan Clemens, whom we've had the pleasure to host in our home.
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I haven't met anyone even though there are a number of PB'ers that live close to me! Really should resolve that sometime. Anyway, if any of you come through WI let me know we've got room and I'd love to meet you all!
OK, here's the best I can remember:

1) Anna P. (Scottish Lass -- the missus)
2) Benjamin Glaser (Backwoods Presbyterian)
3) Gloria (I actually taught her husband Warren when I was a Geometry teacher back in the day)
4) Kevin.Carroll (old ARP buddy)
5) Brian Dempsey (Reformed Christian)
6) Robert Truelove (I briefly attended the church where Robert is the pastor and Brian is an elder)
7) Mark Wright (markarp)
8) Jonathan Clemens (Theocraticmonarchist)
9) Bryan Wiley (staythecourse)

I think that's everyone -- hope I haven't forgotten anyone. I was hoping for an even 10.
As I am new here, I have met none yet am close to a couple including Bawb(BobVigneault) It would be a pleasure as I am thoroughly hooked to the board.
I was wondering if anyone had intentions of attending any conferences this year. I am looking into going to Grand Rapids MI for Right with God:The Doctrine of Justification?

PCRT 2009 - Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc
I met Backwoods Presbyterian (Benjamin Glaser) when he came out to candidate for a call to our church. He stayed at our house. Benjamin is a fine young man and it was a pleasure to spend some time with him and I look forward to him being out pastor.
Any other PBers want to take a trip to Northern North Dakota to experience one of the last frontiers, c'mon up. We'd be thrilled to have you!
The only other PB member I've met is not active and didn't spend much time here; his name is Hugh McCann, a youth minister in Santa Rosa, CA.
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