Poole on 2 Samuel

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The Jebusites had long held Jerusalem, at least in part.

Now, David conquers Jerusalem, and makes it his capital...

A watershed event in Redemptive History! Jerusalem becomes the City of David!

Matthew Poole expounds upon the text...

David seeks the security of his house by its enlargement through polygamy. He enlarges it indeed, but was it secured?

Matthew Poole analyses the text...

"The assurance God has given us of victory over our spiritual enemies, that he will tread Satan under our feet shortly, should animate us in our spiritual conflicts. We do not fight at uncertainty." -Matthew Henry

"Learn from David to take no step without God. Christian, if thou wouldst know the path of duty, take God for thy compass..." -Spurgeon

Poole presents David to us...

For the first time in English...

Matthew Poole's "Synopsis" on 2 Samuel 5 (the establishment of David as King in Jerusalem) is now available in its entirety! free and online!

A redemptive-historical watershed! David brings the ark to Zion! full of typical imagery pertaining to the Christ!

See the "Comments".

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